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Recent review: Saya mengalami masalah jerawat yang sangat terok. Muka saya jenis berminyak. Muka saya sentiasa tumbuh jerawat lagi lagi bila sampai "masanya" pada bulan tersebut. Gel ini saya hanya perlu tempek dan 2-3 hari lepas itu jerawat saya akan kecut. Paling…
Ashfay_20Recent review: I like the fact that it has a build in past 3 readings that we can use to monitor our blood pressure. This has been an essential unit especially to my parents. Best of all its easy to use, big…
Jessie KooRecent review: 我每一次去泰国都必定会囤货的泰国Counterpain酸痛膏,现在各大超市和药剂店都买得到。不管是温热型或清爽型都非常推荐,大大帮助舒缓我的肌肉酸痛,有时候撞伤、扭伤都可用。红色擦后会发热感,一些肌肉酸痛,风湿也可以用;蓝色擦后会凉凉,适合舒缓肌肉酸痛、扭伤之类。
tomorrow_estherRecent review: Good product and work too! I used for my right knee when ever i go running or hiking, it eliminate my pain and support my joints. But need to learn the cutting shape of the tapes.
小曈Recent review: Saya mmg selalu beli dan gunakan ubat batuk herba berperisa lemon madu cap kaki tiga ni,boleh digunakan utk seisi keluarga sy.Rasanya sedap, ank pun suka makan.Tekstur ubatnya pekat dan sgt berperisa.Yg paling sy suka pasal ubt batuk ni ialah ia…
ferdizetty37Recent review: I love it! This is my first time using it on my sore muscles on my legs. It works wonder! I love the scented smell because it gives a calming effect. Perfect to bring anywhere in case of emergency (headache…
nadnod94Recent review: 以前用过医生开的药,真的很好用三天见效,胸口痘痘几乎消了,现在买不到了因为下架了,希望厂家可以再上架这么好用的药膏
Abby LWRecent review: This is one of the most affordable pregnancy test strip of this build out there. Always almost out of stock in Watsons, most probably because of the price which is understandable. It is easy to use. Anyway, I'll still double…
Ika AzaniRecent review: New look in this panadol is awesome. I really like the new optizorb design where it can be taken even with an empty stomach. When having headache no hassle to eat first before consuming the panadol as before. Two caplet…
BumbleBee34Recent review: Tak tahu kenapa anak saya suka sangat plaster yg ni. Setiap kali luka ke apa dia mesti cari plaster ni. Dia tak nak yg lain. Mungkin selesa dengan jenis yg ni. Senang nk tanggalkan dan tak bergam melekat kat kulit…