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Description: It is a rich and full bodied instant chocolate drink that is not only big for taste, but also big on health. It contains the highest standardized source of fenugreek extract in the market which has a high amount of…
JoyAmaze Hartwéll Beta-Glucan Juice
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Description: Introducing JoyAmaze Hartwéll™, the first Beta Glucan juice in Malaysia, a versatile, easy-to-prepare and portable premix powdered fruit and vegetables fibre. Each sachet contains fibre from 10 varieties of fruit and vegetables that are high in soluble and non-soluble dietary…
Alpha Lipid TM SDII TM
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Description: Designed with ingredients to support blood sugar balance, satiety in between regular meals and healthy muscle mass, Alpha Lipid™ Ultra Diet™ 2 helps to maintain healthy weight as part of a weight management programme that includes dietary changes and exercise.
ORIgenPlus Gold Collagen Beauty Drink
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Description: ORIgenPlus Gold Collagen Beauty Drink contains 6500mg Hydrolyzed Low Molecule Deep Sea Fish Collagen, Grape Seed Extract OPC (100mg in every sachet), Vitamin C, Mango Juice Powder and etc., which is high in antioxidant, ridding free radicals, minimize skin problems such as…
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Description: A traditional herbal juice formulated for women to maintain their health and fitness. Contained 18 types of herb and nutritious Sunnah foods that multiple its effectiveness. The combination of the best 6 most important herbs for woman; Pueraria Lobata, Pueraria Mirifica, Labisa Pumila,Oak Gall, Param Eria and Areca Nut. The…
Biogreen O’Tigres Organic Black Bean Powder (Sugar Free)
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Description: Strengthening kidneys not only the matter for man. Biogreen O’Tigres Organic Black Bean Powder can strengthen kidney and an organic natural way for you as 25 years old and above to prevent aging. “Empower your Health – Health & Beauty…
Biogreen Phyto Enzymes
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Description: Biogreen Phyto Enzymes is herbs and spices based enzyme drink, with a variety of rhizome fruits and vegetables,mushrooms and algae, providing no fewer than 60 kinds ofenzymes essence. It is less sweet as compared to enzyme drinks found in the…
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Description: Descriptions Penta Sure is a complete source of balanced nutrition. It is a safe and effective solution for those needing a protein energy supplement and is associated with: Improvement in weight gain Improvement in anthropometry Significant reductions in case fatality
Pentasure Immuno Max
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Description: Descriptions Immune function is depressed in critically ill patients in response to stress, trauma & sepsis. Patients with compromised immune function require specific nutrients in the form of immunonutrition for rapid recovery.
Brands Essence of Chicken with Tangkwei
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Description: Descriptions Ideal for women who experience menstrual discomforts and irregularities so that they can still remain active during their period