Biogreen Phyto Essence
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Description: Skin and Colon Foods. Made of 40 types of Natural Plant Essence such as whole grains, vegetables, nuts and seeds, herbs, spirulina, probiotic and prebiotic. Allow our body to absorb nutrients and at the same time to let our large…
Meliliea Soyhealth Cereal
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Description: Descriptions Journey into the brand new world of soy goodness that promotes optimal health and well-being! SOYhealth beverages are formulated to retain the wholesome goodness of soybeans and at the same time, delectable and tantalizing to the taste buds! Replace…
Beeshop 100% Brazilia Green Propolis
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Description: Propolis is a natural antibiotic made by bee enzymes with resinous and aromatic substances collected from buds and tree barks. It is used to coat the internal structure of the honeycombs and seal their hives, protecting it with a bacteria and…
Optrimax VG Mix
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Description: Nature’s wholesome mix – Veggie Greens, Grains and a whole lot more! Complement modern diets that commonly lack greens and fibre with quality grains and greens blend Support optimal health with naturally complete and balanced nutrition and rich phyto-nutrient content…
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Description: Product Information Beta-Diet is a nutritious beverage characterized with its distinctive phyto chemical contents. The oat possesses soluble fibre (Beta-glucan) which helps to lower cholesterol. Beetroot contains betaine and betacyanin that are significant for the maintenance of cardiovascular health and…
X-megami Misu Dx
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Description: Product Information Remarkable Features Cells and Body Detoxification Improve Digestion Relieve Constipation Anti-Aging Colon cleansing Oedema alleviated Reduce fat synthesis Lower blood sugar level Lower blood cholesterol level Enhance immune system Thyroid problems Increase metabolism Regulate body pH level…
Nattome Stomach Food
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Description: 几乎每个人都经历过胃痛,由于三餐不规律、进餐过快、忽饱忽饿、酸辣不忌……这些饮食陋习导致当下男女老少都有“胃病”的小毛病。想要养好自己的胃,首选荣获最佳养胃健康食品奖项的 Nattome Stomach Food 护胃营养餐,天然养胃的保健品,无副作用,坚持食用可以修复胃黏膜、平衡胃酸、减少胃酸倒流。只需每日一杯,让肠胃更有弹性,不让胃病再度找上门! Nattome Stomach Food 护胃营养餐富含肠胃最需要补充的4大护胃成分,包括 Gastro-AD 丹麦大豆、纤维、菊粉、GOS益生菌等主要成分。Gastro-AD采用严选天然丹麦大豆,搭配日本发酵技术提炼而成的国际专利成分,是胃酸倒流、胃痛、胃胀气和胃灼热的天然克星,有效维持肠胃道健康。此外,含有20亿活性益生菌,保持胃菌群生态平衡,有助于促进消化。长期喝还能修复受损的胃黏膜、强化胃壁的同时,帮助快速减缓胃痛。当你出现胃痛的状况,除了服用药物,它可以当作另一个紧急备选方案。 每天一杯 Nattome Stomach Food 护胃营养餐不仅有效中和胃酸,有助于舒缓胃疼痛和灼热感,还能补给肠道好菌群,让你在短短14天内提升胃修复力,为您的肠胃保驾护航!