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Recent review: Currently using my second tube of this product, and the acne scar really goes away in just a few weeks. It absorb quickly into skin but if i’m using it during day time, me skin will get oily. So i’m…
Ying XiaoRecent review: So far, from just trying it a few times, I think it seems to be a good product. I do really Like this product line, I've tried a couple of their line and I was not disappointed.The balm option is…
Aikoaiko25Recent review: Saya suka menggunakan krim malam safi rania gold ini kerana apabila saya menyapukan pada wajah waktu malam hari, keesokan paginya kulit wajah saya menjadi sangat lembut dan lembab.. Rasa mcm tak nak cuci muka. Selain itu kesan pemulihan pada kulitnya…
Nurhazariff45Recent review: Membuatkan kulit saya lebih lembat dan OXY Oil Control Moisturizer dapat mengawal lebihan minyak pada wajah saya serta texture sedikit melekit... Saya biasa gunakan sebelum make-up harian...
Shika43Recent review: Takut nak cuba pada mulanya. Sebab harganya mahal. Lepas cuba, tak pandang yang lain dahh... Kulit lebih sihat sekarang.
Norsabariah85Recent review: Kawan syorkan saya menggunakan krim ni untuk masalah jerawat saya. Jerawat mmg cepat baik tapi kulit saya jadi lebih berminyak.
Norsabariah85Recent review: Great product! Serum is very hydrating leave it on overnight for best results I recommend serum for people with dry skin . this serum very Hydrating and smooth on my face! It was gentle as well!
Aikoaiko25Recent review: I first discovered Salcura cream in our local health food shop when I was looking for something which would help my husband. He has suffered from cellulitis (twice) and the skin on the calves of his legs can get very…
ilasabran67Recent review: My skin has gone from normal skin type to sensitive dry skin since 5 years ago, not realize till I was told when I visited a facial treatment. Feeling heart pain to sign up for a expensive package, I continue…