UNIX UB-A9501 Women’s Shaver
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Description: The UNIX wet and dry shaver is a compact battery operated shaver is easy to use wherever, whenever! The angled head helps give you a faster shave and the ergonomic design adds ease and comfort to your routine. Enjoy 24…
Philips Star Wars Shaver Stormtrooper SW170
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Description: With rounded profile heads it glides smoothly over your skin for a protective shave. This Philips Star Wars Shaver Stormtrooper SW170 comes in 4-direction flex head that easily shaves every curve. Simply open the shaver head to rinse it thoroughly…
Guardian Lady Tri-Blade Razor Cartridge
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Description: Description Guardian Tri-Blade Razor for Ladies. Direction for Use Press both sides of the handle’s Groove-and-lock areas inwards to remove catridge. Replace catridge at the Groove-and-Lock, release grip and move handle downwards until its click.