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Recent review: Susah rasanya untuk mencari bedak muka yang sesuai dengan warna kulit dan jenis kulit wajah saya ini. Kulit wajah saya yang berminyak agak sedikit sukar di kawal oleh mana-mana bedak compact. Melihat pembungkusan Clinelle Oil Free Smoothing Compact Ivory ini…
sabarina37Recent review: This is my 3rd cushion foundation. The first one was a basic edition, but this one is a limited edition & it comes with a concealing base which work wonderful as a makeup base. It's lightweight, gives semi-matte effect that…
efizazakeri25Recent review: Works well in drying out the acne and minimising it however the ‘skin tone’ colour only comes in one shade and doesn’t blend well with many skin tones including mine so it’s still as obvious as wearing the normal treatment…
NadiaRecent review: Melindungi kulit sepanjang hari..Sesuai untuk kulit sensitive..SEgar apabila memakainya
JURAINI CHE ISMAILRecent review: I have been using this pallete for almost one year & still last till now. Just use a little bit only to get a perfect brow. Make my day looks perfect. The color is so natural which is suitable for…
efizazakeri25Recent review: I always aim to get these when I run out. The price is cheap, I always stack them when they have deals on in the store. Better quality than the ones you get at shoppers and very firm yet soft.
Nor OthmanRecent review: I have every single colour blush the body shop has to offer! The range of colours is fantastic, the product is not over powering so you can build it up easily with application if you need/want. The blush is long…
Nor OthmanRecent review: Produk ini sangat best sebab dia tahan lama dan juga tidak berminyak. Saya juga suka produk ini sebab ia ada banyak pilihan yang sesuai dengan warna kulit. Disebabkan itu, kulit akan nampak lebih halus dan yang paling penting natural. Harga…
Eli89Recent review: Saya membelinya untuk suami saya kerana keadaan kulitnya yang agak berminyak terutama sekali selepas bersukan ataupun selepas habis waktu kerjanya. Selepas menggunakan Biore, kulitnya tidak lagi berminyak, yang ada hanya nampak berseri & bersih.
Nik ZulaikhaRecent review: Yg paling sy suka ttg Simplysiti Simply Elegant Blusher ni ialah desing puffnya yg bagi sy sgt mesra pengguna.Dgn puff dan cermin sedia ada di bhagian penutup,sy boleh apply blusher ni dgn mudah di mana2 saja tanpa perlukan brush,hanya dap2…