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Recent review: Rosken Feet & Heel Balm dapat memberikan tumit secantik skin baby... sangat dipercayai brand Rosken Feet & Heel Balm the Best Products must buy... texture juga cepat meresap kedalam skin dan berikan kesan terbaik untuk tumit serta merta lebih lembut...…
Shika88Recent review: Saya selalu menggunakan D’HERBS Kaki Cantik Cream sebelum pakai stokin atau sebelum tidur malam... D’HERBS Kaki Cantik Cream bertindak melembapkan dan Melembutkan kulit especially bahagian jari kaki yang dan tumit kaki, D’HERBS Kaki Cantik Cream skin lebih sekata dan kasar…
Shika43Recent review: Clarins foot beauty treatment cream is very moisture for for skin and the result is very efficient and in very short period. But the price is very expensive also. You have to keep on apply then only can maintain the…
sallyinlee93Recent review: My mum suffered from cracked heel since a couple of yrs ago. Used a couple of ointment but couldnt help to ease either, and usually leaves the floor greasy. After using this the cracks reduced, and there\'s no greasy feeling…
Raphael Lam Kien XhingRecent review: Snooki’s debut novel is an oeuvre d’art, one that outshines all of the former greats such as Shakespeare, Melville, Austen, or Pamela Anderson … A coming of age tale filled with romance, love, friendship and enlightenment
Wen KelvinRecent review: I had been dealing with cracked heels for many years now and had been trying many products to treat it. Sometimes it feels really uncomfortable wearing my favourite shoes. This cosmoderm cream is one of my favourite ones as a…
NuhaMohd27Recent review: Saya baru je cuba krim kaki dengan ekstrak aloe vera Oriks ni.Untuk tekstur sy suka krn krimnya lembut,tidak terlalu pekat dan sgt cepat mnyerap bila sy gunakannya utk mengurut tapak kaki sy yg merekah.Krim ni juga memberikan efek yg mnyegarkan.Bau…
AieenDeen28Recent review: Cream ni sangat bagus pakai untuk hilang kan pecah pada kaki..ada tea tree oil dalam ni yang mana tolong repair balik kulit tu dan hilang kan kering2 pada kaki
Nor OthmanRecent review: Terbaik cream Dermal Therapy Heel Balm da cuba sebelom ini mmg cpt je hilang pecah2 kat kaki..sekarang licin je kaki walaupun da lama xpakai..cubaa la
Nor OthmanRecent review: Really good have been try almost two months..really miracle it makes my feet really mosturized. So far so good
Nor Othman