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Recent review: Nivea Express Hydration body lotion ni wangi sangat bau losyen dia. Bau wangian yg lembut dan tahan lama. Losyen Nivea jarang pekat atau kental. Konsistensi dia agak cair dan mudah disapu. Kena sapu elok-elok sekata baru losyen meresap tanpa meninggalkan…
AkuHudHud27Recent review: Bau yang membuat saya sangat tenang apabila memakainya. Kulit terasa lembut, tidak melekit dan tidak berminyak apabila dipakai. Kelembapan kulit berpanjangan sangat membantu dalam merawat kulit kering. Harga berpatutan dan produk yang berkualiti.
idygurlz9047Recent review: Eucerin pH5 lotion Is expensive but it is effective and good for those who has dry sensitive skin like me. My dry and sensitive skin condition is improving after I keep applying it on my skin. The lotion is not…
xuenxuen75Recent review: Hands of mine are in a constant state of dehydration due to endless chores leaving them feeling like sandpaper more often than not. Santénatur Potato Cream Skin, Hands & Feet successfully helps to improve their condition with every use. Just…
snowmint34Recent review: pelembap kulit ini sangat bagus untuk dipakai dan selamat untuk dipakai. ianya membuatkan kulit saya berasa lembut dan lembap. saya rasa sangat selasa apabila memakai pelembap kulit ini dan berasa gembira apabila berjumpa dengan kawan saya.
camudin38Recent review: Ianya sangat berkesan untuk kulit kering...hilangkan kesan merah pada kulit...melegakan gatal2x berpunc Dari kulit kering..kerana produk ini melembapkan kulit.
Fizanss43Recent review: I first hear about this product when my sister is using this. I’m intrigued because of the same to be honest. Then I try it and really impressed on how they make my skin so smooth and hydrated!! I put…
Ziqah MalekRecent review: This product is feeling like little bit stick,but after rub at body skin. It easily to absorb into skin. Mostly I will used it when I have going to beach. Conclusion is, this product is good it can have protection…
Xuan ShaoRecent review: I use NIVEA Extra White Firming Body Lotion SPF15 everyday after shower. I feel my skin is soft and gentle after applying it. The smell of the lotion is nice and refreshing. It is not greasy and it can be…