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Recent review: Saya pernah makan kurma bersalut coklat the milk story ni.Rasanya mmg sgt sedap,tapi bagi saya gabungan coklat dan kurma agak manis.Saya mgkin lebih memilih the milk story biskut oat yg lebih mngenyangkan utk diambil ketika mnyusukan bayi.Kesannya pada penambahaan susu…
ferdizetty37Recent review: very delicious, just highly more expensive than other brands..Yum these are so good for you and they taste great. They provide a lot more fiber than you think would come from thse little yummy bundles.
Aikoaiko25Recent review: This is new product. It's look nice, I have not try it. Taste should be good. Coffee+chocolates,
teohbl8198Recent review: Saya mmg sentiasa menggunakan jeli kristal nona perisa strawberry ni jika buat puding triffle. Bau strawberry dan rasa yg sedap dan harum. Warna merah strawberry jelly juga nampak lebih cantik.dan menarik. Menyerlahkan lagi warna puding triffle saya. Senang saja untuk…
CikSue38Recent review: i always hungry because of my metabolism was so high. It always been my problem to cook all day. With this nutri grain i dont have to cook everytime i felt hungry..just need to take a bite and im full!
Athirah78Recent review: Healthy sweet, fruit snacks, I like it and my nephews and nieces like it. It comes in a nice size bag that you can have them packed for school lunch or picnic. It tasted great, I've tried them all, these…
Nor OthmanRecent review: Snek dari Arnot merupakan snek kegemaran waktu kecil lagi. Ini kerana snek ini kaya dengan rasa coklat dan tidak memuakkan. Bungkusannya juga menarik perhatian untuk membelinya. Harganya juga murah dan mudah didapati. Namun, snek ini mesti dihabiskan seusai dibuka kerana…
emilliakamarlis62Recent review: Torto magic berperisa strawberry ni memang menjadi pilihan anak-anak saya. Biskutnya yang rangup dan krimnya yang tidak terlalu manis memang sesuai bagi anak-anak.
Nur ArinaRecent review: I've had these as a go to snack when we are in a hurry in the mornings. That is the only time I would recommend having these in the home. They're cheap. They will keep you full for a couple…
Nor Othman