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Recent review: 这个茶我妈妈昨天才煮给家人喝的,这个是主要帮助我们可以增加排尿的次数的,和减少身体多余的水分容易排出体外的。而且还可以滋养脾脏和肺部那些的,味道就好像茶那样而已。
Aikoaiko25Recent review: Mmg mudah & sedap.Rasa kopi Asli Bestari 4 dlm 1 dgn ekstrak Guarana ni mmg sgt sedap.Unik dan berkrim.Rasa kopi yg kaw dan tidak terlalu manis tapi cukup lemak berkrim.Beraroma wangi dan memikat rasanya.Kopi kegemaran suami sy,mmg mudah nk disediakan,sy…
ferdizetty37Recent review: Special milk tea with rose fragrance! First tried in this milk tea, the taste is not bad. I get know this brand of drinks when I’m travelling to Taiwan. I’m in love with the unique bottle design, I have tried…
leekahseng12Recent review: I tried other brands of mineral water before but Spritzer indeed give me the best experience. I dont like the mineral taste but most of the mineral water has it, but the mineral water from Spritzer is different, it just…
Diamond43Recent review: I really like this pepsi zero design. All black. Black inside out. The taste also like pepsi normal just a bit lighter. The carbonated also being reduced. And i like it too. The price also almost the same as others…
BumbleBee34Recent review: I prefer to let my kids to drink Yakult Ace than normal original Yakult as Yakult Ace has less sugar. It is not too sweet as the original one. My kids love Yakult and always want to buy it from…
kkhcpy15Recent review: Loaded with antioxidants, OSK Japanese Green Tea is one of the best ways to keep your body healthy. It is believed that green tea can help to boost weight loss, reduce cholesterol and any other benefits. Drink a cup a…
Sylmikio MinamiRecent review: Love the juices from Marigold including this one, Apple Grape. Not too sweet, and the taste is just nice especially if chilled. The juice series are also easy to find in most convenient stores. Price is affordable.
Ezzwin59Recent review: Minuman teh hijau dengan gabungan lemon yg mnyegarkan..Saya sgt sukakan air C2 ni..rasanya x terlalu manis,dapat rasa citrus dari lemon dalam air teh hijau C2 ni..Paling penting,harganya mmg lebih rendah berbanding air teh hijau jenama lain..bila diminum ketika cuaca panas,minuman…
ferdizetty37Recent review: I love this brand!Taste is great..A very tasty drink with a lot of vitamins, its very healthy, and the natural orange ,great flavors.....