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Recent review: Semasa saya sedang berpantang, saya hanya minum vico untuk mendapatkan tenaga dan khasiat nya pun sangat mengagumkan.. rasa nya pun sangat enak ... vico memang terbaik!!!
falienra1019Recent review: Susu Tea Pot ni memang pilihan kami sekeluarga. Dari kecil memang dah biasa guna susu Tea Pot ni. Jenama yang telah lama di pasaran.. Nak buat kuih muih atau biskut raya pun kami guna susu Tea Pot ni..
Tengkubutang MiawRecent review: 3 out of 5, reviewed on November 9, 2017 taste just the same like the normal Nescafe, however the price for each sachet is consider expensive as compared to other instant .
Juneku49Recent review: This fresh milk is the best for children and adult.Will buy every week for my kid since it healthy to drink milk before they sleep.price is resonable and taste is very good.
Alex TheeRecent review: Pokka Cappuccino ni air dia rasa cappucino biasa. Kurang kick tapi untuk minum sedap la pada tekak. Tapi jangan berangan la dpt air cappuccino yang banyak buih tu. Warna air cappucino dia cantik la jugak. Nak minum kena goncang botol…
BumbleBee34Recent review: Jika selama ni asyik minum Nescafe dgn kafein kini saya bertukar kepada Nescafe Classics Decaf. Apa yg saya perhatikan serbuk nescafe decaf ni lebih halus berbanding nescafe classic biasa. Namun rasa dia tetap sama. Cuma yg beza bila buang air…
CikSue38Recent review: Yummy! Loved this and the carbonation added to it!! It's totally affordable. The fact that they are sparkling and not flat makes all the difference.
Niki TayRecent review: Air teh hijau oishi mmg merupakan air teh hijau kegemaran sy terutama Oishi’s Green Tea Genmai ni.Air teh hijau dgn aroma beras genmai ataupun dikenali sbgai beras perang yg menambahkan kenikmatan.Mmg sedap dinikmati ketika sejuk dan bertindak sbg penyejuk badan…
NurulDeng08Recent review: This is amazing! Just a hint of peach that makes the tea even better!! The tea is brewed just right with just enough peach flavor. Definitely worth the buy
Niki TayRecent review: it is really pure and i never drink milk like this before. It taste more fresh after put it in refrigerator. It is not over sweet and suitable for breakfast or before sleeping. I think it gonna to be a…