Product Details

ENSURE POWDER is complete, balanced nutrition for meal replacement, or as supplemental use between or with meals. When consumed in appropriate amounts, reconstituted ENSURE POWDER can be used as a sole source of nutrition. ENSURE POWDER may benefit people who are on modified diets, at nutrition risk, experiencing involuntary weight loss, recovering from illness or surgery, or on low-residue diets.
  • For oral or sole-source feeding. Drink Ensure® to stay strong*
  • Complete with 28 essential vitamins and minerals.1
  • Balanced proportions of carbohydrate, protein and fat.2
  • Calcium and vitamin D to support strong bones.
  • 2x more Prebiotic FOS to improve digestion and strengthen the immune function.
  • Omega-3 & Omega-6 and low in cholesterol as part of a healthy heart diet.
  • Suitable for gluten & lactose intolerant people.
  1. Shika43
    687 reviews

    Kekal sihat..

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 15, 2019

    Saya telah mencubanya bersama ibu & ayah saya mmg trbaik dgn formula yg penuh berkhasiat bnyk memberi manfaat utk tulang dan kesihatan tubuh badan… Sangat bagus utk mereka yg berusia dan inginkn kesihatan tulang yg lebih kuat… Memberikn tenaga serta rasa kenyang so dari segi permakanan sgt² terjaga… Kelebihan rasa vanilla sgt sedap dan hari² excited utk minum Ensure!!?

  2. Norrabiahhalim32
    3 reviews

    Ensure fos kegemaran ayah saya

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 13, 2018

    Ensure fos menjadi kegemaran ayah saya sebab dengan susu inilah ayah saya jadi bertenaga dan sihat kembali dari minor stroknya. Asalnya ambil sample tester dari klinik sebab ayahnya tak ada selera makan lepas kena minor strok. Tapi bila try sekali, ayah saya suruh pergi beli terus satu tin. Lepas itu disebabkan susu inilah ayah saya jadi berselera nak makan dan sihat kembali. Memang terbaiklah susu ENSURE FOS.

  3. cpyn18
    234 reviews

    My mom's favourite formula milk

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 23, 2017

    Ensure Fos powder is my mom’s favourite milk. She likes the taste and it is not sweet which is good for her.Ensure Fos powder contains of all essential nutrients such as 28 essential vitamins and mineralswhich is good for health. It is good for bone too as it contains calcium thus it is good for those old folks who lost their calcium easily at this age.

  4. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2017

    ENSURE POWDER VANILLA的味道不错喝因为我本身不喜欢牛奶味太重这个我可以接受到。而且喝了看到我的身体开始有变化的健康点

  5. sallyinlee93
    1004 reviews

    My Grandmother Daily drinks

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 17, 2017

    Ensure is my 87 years old grandmother daily drinks, the price is quite high but it is rich of protein and calcium.

  6. Niki Tay
    996 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 8, 2017

    妈妈和我每天早上都喝这个来保健的,妈妈就和来降血压的,我就是喝来增加protein 的只是价钱是有点贵了

  7. May Mei12345
    104 reviews

    good product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 8, 2017

    Good product if you are looking for protein supplement.

  8. Betty Liew
    263 reviews

    Provide Nutrition to regain strength and vitality

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 31, 2017

    Contain different type of nutrition to my body. It increase my body strength and vitality. Help to lower down my cholesterol.

  9. roxanne
    36 reviews

    Ensure Powder Baik untuk warga emas

    4 out of 5, reviewed on May 13, 2017

    Ibu saya mengalami penyakit kencing manis dan darah tinggi. beliau juga mengalami masalah sakit lutut akibat penuaan. Setelah disyorkan oleh pegawai farmasi, ibu saya telah mengamalkan minuman Ensure ini. Ahhamdulillah, ibu saya semakin pulih dan bertenaga untuk membuat aktiviti hariannya.

  10. mooiimm68
    78 reviews

    Complete nutrition drink

    0 out of 5, reviewed on May 12, 2017

    Ensure Powder is a complete nutrients especially for illness person. But I consume it as a breakfast in the morning to boost up the energy. It’s low fat formula really suitable for people who wish to diet. The taste also very nice. Only the problem is the price is higher than other milk powder.

  11. fadyani10
    19 reviews

    pengganti makanan yang lengkap

    4 out of 5, reviewed on December 1, 2016

    nenek saya mengalami strok dan bergantung kepada Ensure sepenuhnya.berat badannya tidak susut walaupun terlantar sepenuhnya.kulitnya lembab,tidak kering.rasanya juga sedap.harganya berpatutan.

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