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Recent review: This machine comes with pouring shield, 5-quart bowl, wire whip, dough hook, flat beater. The inclusion of a scrapper blade and the second is a thin spatula that is designed and shaped to scrape the Breville's bowl.The spatula allows me…
connienee30Recent review: The mixer is very well made the dough I have to make is a very stiff dough and it handled it very well. It allows me to make larger and more complex baked goods. This mixer is a sturdy and…
connienee30Recent review: Pengisar jus buah-buahan ni memang menjadi kegemaran ibu saya kerana ianya sangat mudah dan senang digunakan. Tak perlu susah payah nak perah jus lagi. Hasil jus juga halus dan cantik. Jus pun terhasil dengan banyak. Senang dicuci dan disimpan diruang…
cikbunga49Recent review: Saya suka gunakannya untuk memasak kerana mudah untuk masakan yang perlu dicincang dan dipotong halus. Jimat masa tidak perlu cincang lagi daging,sayur dan sebagainya. Mudah juga digunakan dengan mata bilah berbeza ikut keperluan saya. Ia juga mudah untuk dicuci selepas…
cikbunga49Recent review: Pengisar Jus Cornell memudahkan saya sekeluarga untuk menikmati jus setiap hari. Umumnya tahu meminum jus adalah baik untuk kesihatan. Dengan pengisar ini, saya mampu untuk membuat jus kegemaran dengan mudah. Hanya masukkan buah dan kisar, letakkan gelas di corong keluar…
Maawardah MohamadRecent review: Panasonic always give the best product Product is reasonably good. A bit noisy but it does the job. It's a blender and it's not a slow juicer hence fruit waste still has some juice inside it. Now can blend what…
Candyteh42818Recent review: I gifted this to my husband 2 years back and ever since, he has been using it at least 2-3 times a week (mostly on weekends at home as weekdays he will be getting his coffee from cafes nearby his…
Ika AzaniRecent review: 这款chopper小巧方便使用,不占位,我是买了用来做宝宝的菜泥和果泥。价位也不会太贵,适合经济中等的家庭购买。
Ah QiRecent review: This Pensonic PB-3205 blender has 1 speed, and comes with a stainless steel blade that will blend, can easy to crush or cut the food, But be sure to cut the small pieces of food first if not need to…
Niki TayRecent review: 一句话,要便宜就买它。我通常用来搅拌小孩食物,菜泥,果泥。。。都很不错。 此外,还可以打蛋呢!拥有两个收容器,一个作为搅拌蔬果用途,另一个用于肉类。这样一来,收容器就不会有臭惺味啦!
Shermyn Lim