Boh Sencha Green Tea

Product Details

A taste of Japan with this perfect blend of Sencha and Matcha green teas. Amidst today’s hustle and bustle of life, BOH invites you to immerse yourself with a calming beverage that is packed with natural antioxidants properties. BOH’s new Sencha Green Tea is the embodiment of a perfect cup of green tea for that much needed peace and serenity. A blend of authentic Sencha and Matcha green teas, it delivers an authentic cup of Japanese green tea with every sip.  Picked from the most immaculate tea gardens in Japan, BOH’s Sencha Green Tea uses Sencha green tea leaves and the finest Matcha powdered green tea from the Uji region. The birthplace of Japanese green tea, the Uji region is known for its superior green tea for the past 800 years. The blend of Sencha and Matcha in BOH’s Sencha Green Tea, delivers a refreshing and revitalising cup of green tea for clarity and calmness of the mind. Packed with natural antioxidants that awaken the body’s senses and regains one’s balance, it can be taken at any time of the day to reinvigorate the body and soul.

  1. Janet04
    16 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 7, 2018

    再也不需要为了寻找好喝的绿茶而烦恼,因为boh 的绿茶在家泡也已经很好喝 :)

  2. anna94
    3 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on March 27, 2018

    这盒日本煎茶很不错, 比起绿盒牌子的煎茶味道实惠了许多。这个煎茶蛮想的,喝起来顺口,不会太苦涩。有时候觉得直接吃太多了, 马上泡一杯,解油又解腻, 喝了比较没有愧疚感了, 哈哈。

  3. Olyvia Keseng
    2 reviews

    Sedap diminum

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 11, 2018

    Bau green tea yang harum meningkatkan saya ingin selalu minum green tea ini. Kalau sy sudah mkn sy harus minum air ni. kerana ia mengandungi antioksida.

  4. Summer Yap
    3 reviews

    Green Tea lover

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 9, 2018

    I’m also been a green tea lover since my friends introduce to me for the first time and I immediately fall in love with it! And Boh green tea is the choice of me when I’m craving for tea or having a tea time along with biscuit or cake~ The taste of the green tea is refreshing and yet people say green tea is good for girl who want to lose their body weight since green tea can detox or reduce the fat in our body,so I regularly will consume it to reduce my body weight ~

  5. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews

    it's natural and it's refreshing to drink

    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 12, 2017

    I enjoy drinking boh Sencha Green Tea because it’s natural and it’s refreshing to drink it does not upset my stomach like the regular tea . I really love a good cup of tea in the mornings and might go for green or black.

  6. Mimi81
    177 reviews

    Diminum tanpa gula.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 9, 2017

    Wajib bagi saya meminumnya setiap pagi sebagai pencuci perut dan mengeluarkan toksin daripada tubuh. Mudah sebati bila diletak dalam air panas. Kepekatan warnanya disukai. Kesedapan rasa tehnya amat digemari. sedap.

  7. Amanda Sani
    25 reviews

    Wajib minum

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 31, 2017

    Setiap pagi wajib minum green tea boh ini..sgt sedap dan bau dia harum..sesuai untuk sapa nak diet..

  8. Niki Tay
    996 reviews

    This tea is bursting with flavor- strong,

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 25, 2017

    This tea is bursting with flavor- strong, hearty, and robust.

  9. maryam18
    309 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2017

    Saya suka minum ia,rasanya yang sedap,aroma nya pun wangi..Tidak cukup jika hanya minum segelas,pasti bertambah..Ia minuman kegemaran kami sekeluarga..Aummm

  10. penny41
    407 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 16, 2017


  11. shahril7956
    112 reviews

    Detox & kurangkan kolestrol

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 8, 2017

    Untuk pastikan kualiti kesihatan yang baik, elok amalkan teh hijau ini. Bukan sahaja mampu detox badan, mengempiskan perut, mengurangkan kolestrol, malah isteri saya mengamalkan teh hijau ini untuk mengecutkan cyst dengan cepat & ia berkesan.

  12. Rasa sedap!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 4, 2017

    Saya penggemar green tea, sebelum ni, saya minum boh green tea yang biasa, tp try yg sencha lagi best! Terbaik untuk detox! Bangun pagi rasa segar ?

  13. leekahseng12
    323 reviews

    Green Tea Lover

    4 out of 5, reviewed on July 20, 2017

    My wife is a green tea lover, she like to try anything if related with green tea. We have bought this Boh Sencha Green Tea and found that the taste is not bad!
    We will have it during our tea time.

  14. Siti26
    61 reviews

    Boh Sencha Green Tea

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 18, 2017

    Teh hijau boh sencha ini paling senang nak dapat di pasaraya. Saya penggemar teh hijau boh ini kerana rasanya yang enak dan menyegarkan lepas diminum. Setiap pagi wajib minum segelas teh hijau ini sebab ianya baik untuk detox dan antioxidants. Dengan mengamalkan sencha teh hijau ni saya dapat mengekalkan tahap kesihatan badan saya .

  15. Leeleongwai41
    31 reviews

    Green Tea helps detoxification

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 22, 2017

    As we now Green Tea can help for detoxification and clear off the fat that consume in our body. Green tea also helps in antioxidant. A cup of green tea daily to maintain my body clear from radical.

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