“What you put into the world comes back to you. How you live your life determines what kind of life you will have” J.A. Marie
We all have wishes: some smaller, some bigger. Some of us might always fall on the bright side in life, while others always seem to have bad luck. Why is this the case? From the outside it might look unfair and cruel… but wait: can this be? This is the question I asked myself and I started to reflect about the “unlucky ones” that I know in my life.
Looking a bit closer at the situations – there seem to be a few behavior traits that the unsuccessful ones have in common and on the other hand there seems to be a component that all successful people share… They cultivate good karma by their behavior – something that the unlucky ones fail to do. Do you want to be a “lucky one”? Here are 5 tips how you can get your karma working for you too:
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Some think that they are inferior or superior to others because of position, money, age or other factors. But let’s face it: some of us might have been luckier because of where we were born and raised, but this doesn’t give the right to act as we are better than others. This includes talking bad about others and gossiping too! If you are one of them, start treating everyone you meet with the same respect and attitude – treat everyone like you want to be treated. You will not only get better responses from people around you, you will also receive more support and feel better.
Manipulating or playing with other people’s feelings will definitely not give you a karma bonus. How do you expect to be lucky and get what you want if you are not truthful with people around you? Be sincere and honest with every person in your life – this includes the relationship with yourself too! I know people who are caught up in their lies and just handle themselves from one to the next, at the same time telling themselves reasons why they are lying to others – sounds stressful? Because it is. Better look for real connections, real relationships and have the courage to be who you really are and want to be.
Life is not an easy walk – it’s a rollercoaster by nature. Being prepared that there are ups and downs and seeing already the new up in the distance will make the ride easier. So, instead of failing and believing that the world is going to end – look ahead and at the wide array of other possibilities that are in this world, all the things that worked out well and that you still do have. It depends on you if you see the glass half empty or half full.
Nobody’s perfect – we are all equipped with our unique strengths and weaknesses in our lives. Concentrate on your strength and apply them to your unique advantage. How? Reflect everyday what are three things you did well and how this could be of benefit for you and others in the future.
Spread genuine love by feeling honest gratitude for what you have in your life. Be grateful that you are allowed to experience another beautiful day, that you have people in your life who love you, that you have a house, food to eat and much more – there is so much we can be grateful for once we start observing. Starting a gratitude journal is a great way to get this habit going – take every day pictures and write down one thing that you are grateful for and share with others.
Dalai Lama said “Follow the three R’s: Respect for self, Respect for others and Responsibility for all your actions.” – this is the way to go to attract good Karma… because more good things happen to good people.