Combi Toothbrush Step 1 Contest
REVIEWERS WANTED for Combi Toothbrush Step 1. Contest link: Click here. Head over to our FB page (my100comments) for more exciting contests and giveaways!
SkinLabs Concentrated Vitamin E Cream Contest
3 GUARANTEED WINNERS WANTED for SkinLabs Concentrated Vitamin E Cream. Contest link: Click here. Head over to our FB page (my100comments) for more exciting contests and giveaways!
vtech Safe & Sound Digital Audio Monitor with VSmart Wire-Free Home Monitoring (BM5000) Contest
REVIEWER WANTED for vtech Safe & Sound Digital Audio Monitor with VSmart Wire-Free Home Monitoring (BM5000) by Alcom Networks Sdn Bhd worth RM598. Contest link: Click here. Head over to our FB page (my100comments) for more exciting contests and giveaways!
Awas! Risiko jika anak kurang vitamin D
Kanak-kanak memerlukan vitamin D bagi membantu tulang membesar dan berkembang dengan sempurna serta kekal kuat. Namun, adakah anak anda mendapat vitamin D yang secukupnya? Vitamin D perlu untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tulang kanak-kanak. Begitu juga dengan bayi di…
Mom More Milk Oats & Hershey’s Chocolate Chips Lactation Cookies Contest
3 GUARANTEED WINNERS WANTED for Mom More Milk Oats & Hershey’s Chocolate Chips Lactation Cookies (made from natural, premium ingredients, expiry 26 June) worth RM60. Contest link: Click here. Head over to our FB page (my100comments) for more exciting contests…
Mamak Moments: The Healthier Way to Eat Out
If you’re a Malaysian, you’ve probably spent some time at a mamak shop, sipping on teh tarik or munching on roti canai. It’s one of the quintessential parts of being a Malaysian, and the idea of not having a 24 hour mamak shop somewhere…
Sihat semasa hamil: Apa vitamin penting ibu perlu ambil semasa mengandung?
Tiada rahsia lagi, setiap apa yang ibu makan akan disalurkan kepada bayi dalam kandungan. Pastikan tubuh anda mendapat nutrien dan vitamin yang diperlukan untuk tubuh ibu dan bayi. Kekurangan nutrien boleh menyebabkan tumbesaran bayi anda terjejas! Pemberian makanan bernutrisi…
Combi Baby Label Training Chopstick Set Contest
REVIEWERS WANTED for Combi Baby Label Training Chopstick Set. Contest link: Click here. Head over to our FB page (my100comments) for more exciting contests and giveaways!
THREE New Base Makeup Breathes Life To Uninspiring Skin
THREE, a renowned Japanese skin care brand, launched their new base makeup today. Combining the power of both nature and technology to result in the blossoming of bare, angelic skin, Three’s’ primer, foundation and stick concealer promise to rock your makeup…
Contest Reviewers Announcement (17 – 24 May)
Congratulations to all the reviewers for Combi Nail Scissors, Percy Pup Activity Spiral, Minipod Mitten, bootee & bonnet set and BabyOrganix Top to Toe Cleansers! Kindly email your details as mentioned below to receive further instructions and delivery of…