Face Off – 8 Non-Surgicals to Create A New You
The American Society for Plastic Surgeons Report notes that minimally invasive procedures are overwhelmingly preferred to surgical ones: 13.9 mln vs 1.7 mln, respectively. 6.7 Million Botox Procedures 2.3 Million Soft Tissue Filler Injections 1.2 Million Chemical Peels (2014 Plastic…
Wise Nutrition NEM SJMM Capsules Contest
Contest Ends In: [wpcdt-countdown id=”83644″] Wise Nutrition NEM SJMM Capsules contain major joint nutrients such as chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, collagen and other glycosaminoglycan– all of which occur naturally together within the eggshell membrane. The capsules are a naturally effective combination of…
A Leaky Issue…
Laughter, so they say, is the best medicine. But laughter can also be a problem if it makes you pee in your pants. It’s not an understatement to say that urinary incontinence (UI) reduces your quality of life. Both men…
How to deal with Mouth Ulcers
Oral or mouth ulcers are one of the most common discomforts experienced by a majority of us. It is discomforting, as it could get quite painful, with difficulties in speaking and swallowing, and that it is not considered as an…
10 Makanan untuk Anak Bijak
Ingin melahirkan anak yang pintar dan bijak? Ambil berat akan pemakanan anak anda kerana sesetengah makanan tertentu boleh membantu perkembangan otak, menajamkan minda, meningkatkan daya ingatan dan tumpuan. Otak adalah organ pertama dalam tubuh yang menyerap nutrien daripada makanan yang…
Better Heart Health with Anlene HeartPlus
The new Anlene HeartPlus™ was launched recently at Nexus, Bangsar South to warm reception. Formulated to care for the heart, the new formulation features HeartMax™ with nutrients that benefit from Plant Sterols, which helps to reduce cholesterol, Omega 3 (DHA…
6 Kickass Workout Trends
1. Boxing With the rise of boutique boxing studios and the addition of beginner classes to traditional boxing gyms, boxing will see an even bigger year in 2017 than it did in 2016. Bonus: you don’t even have to jump…
Travelling for the Holidays? Don’t Bring The Germs Home!
What are microbes? Microbes are microscopic living organisms, which may be single-celled or multicellular. The study on these microorganisms is called microbiology. The microbes were discovered in late 17th century by Antoine Van Leeuwenhoek, using a microscope of his own…
Keep Your Kitchen Green, Clean, and Safe
Use these tips to make the heart of your home a healthy haven. We’re giving away a green cleaning package that will help! In many households, the kitchen is the most important, most social room in the house. Follow these…
Amalan Berpantang Mengikut Budaya
Amalan berpantang di Malaysia lazimnya dilakukan mengikut tradisi dan budaya. Amalan berpantang dilakukan untuk kebaikan ibu dan bayi. Tempoh berpantang berjalan sekurang-kurangnya 44 hari malah ada yang menjangkau sehingga 100 hari mengikut tradisi nenek moyang. Pun begitu, ada juga…