Motivate Your Child to Love Learning
There is more to schooling and learning that meets the eye and parents can help renew the joy of learning in their kids. How? Read on… Up play your child’s interests with enthusiasm Every child has a natural subject that…
Defend Your Family Against Dengue!
Favourable weather conditions, clogged drains, empty containers left around that collect rain water — these are among the reasons why the Aedes mosquitos get to breed easily and cause the dreaded dengue fever to spread. It’s difficult to control the…
How to get your child to love reading
It’s hardly surprising that many kids don’t fancy reading. If your child is one of them here are some ideas that you can instantly implement around the home to encourage budding bookworms and turn reluctant readers into enthusiastic book lovers:…
14 Weird Brain Exercises to Help You Get Smarter
Exposing yourself to new experiences, especially positive ones keep your brain healthier. Always try to engage yourself in positive thinking, as well as attending programs that will improve your Intelligent Quotient, IQ. More so, do things that you are not…
Lighten Up!
The craze for lighter skin with the hundreds of creams and cosmetics being marketed to achieve it are testimony to the fact that many women dream of acquiring a fairer skin tone. What to consider to achieve a lighter, brighter…
Preschool Readiness Checklist
So, you have your sights (and heart) on the ideal preschool for your child and all looks well… Chances are though, you might be a tad concerned if junior is ready to spend a few hours of the day in…
FAQ: Atopic Eczema
Atopic eczema is a common skin condition experienced by many young children. Proper care is necessary to ensure that a child with eczema is kept comfortable and also to avoid unnecessary flare-ups. We talked to Dr Dr. Khairul Zaman Omar,…
Protect Your Child From Second-Hand Smoke
Did you know that children who are exposed to secondhand smoke are steadily taking in nicotine and other chemicals into their bodies just like smokers? Also, consider the fact that no amount of secondhand smoke is considered safe! The smoke…
5 Life Enhancing Skills Picked Up From The Arts
Arts is not something many parents take seriously, for it’s deemed as a hobby more than a serious subject. While everyone is entitled to their own opinion, we feel however, it’s only fair to bring to light some of the…
What to look for when choosing a Preschool
How do you find the best preschool to suit your child’s needs? Read on as we decipher the main factors that will help you choose the ideal learning environment for your growing child. Know your child’s needs Not all kids…