Childbirth Myths To Be Wary Of
When it comes to women and childbirth, myths and old wives’ tales have always been a-plenty! What’s worse, as time goes by, new myths come along… Here are some of the popular ones, of old and new. A new mum…
Ask Our Experts: Vaccinations
“Are there any serious ramifications for missing any scheduled immunizations or being late for them? My husband, who is from New Zealand, has this opinion that Malaysian babies get too many injections and not all of them are necessary! Hence,…
Have a Problem Free Pregnancy
If you’re planning to have a baby, the first thing you should take seriously is your health, for it is the main determining factor of a smooth, uneventful pregnancy. This is especially so if you have a history of health…
Buying Commercial Baby Food
Most of us today were fed the standard baby food in a jar when we were babies and well, we turned out fine. These products are popularly known today as “commercial” baby food. Many modern-day mums are in favor of…
The Pediatrician and You
As a parent of a baby, toddler or young child, there will inevitably be a group of people who you turn to for support, assistance and advice whenever needed. One of these is without a doubt, your pediatrician. He or…
Snack Attack
Toddlers have relatively higher metabolisms than adults, thus, they actually need to snack between meals to fuel all that energy. Plus, their small tummies can’t take in that much food at a time. The secrets to make snacking count for…
Raising the Bar on All Natural Parenting
As commendable as it is, the decision to raise an-all natural child need not be a do or die endeavor. In fact, it’s quite impossible to take on drastic changes to one’s lifestyle, especially in these modern, chemically-inclined times. What…
Is That Toy Safe?
Hundreds of new toys keep appearing at the toy stores much to the delight and enjoyment of children everywhere. Toys are understandably the treasures of childhood for hardly a child does not cherish playing with a favorite toy. However, manufacturers…
Prenatal Mood Boosters
Pregnancy is a time to really focus on taking the best care of yourself in terms of nutrition since you’re now providing not only for yourself, but for your unborn baby too! Yet, even with the best intentions, many women…
Raising a Calm and Polite Child
“Oh, what a sweet child you have there!” These are words every parent would love to hear being spoken of their children. It’s a natural inclination for us to want our offspring to reflect goodness and kindness in their behavior,…