Labor Made Easy
Natural? Epidural? Know Your Choices! They don’t call it labour for nothing. A huge part of the process is all about getting through the unbearable pain that comes with the whole miracle of pregnancy. But calm down, just like everything…
The Pregnancy Roller Coaster
The diaper commercial was a lighthearted montage of wild animals with their newborns. There was a penguin protecting her chick, a zebra circling her foal and so on. Some really touching melody played in the background. Ten seconds in –…
Mummy’s Diary: Birthday Parties
In this article, Gayatri Unsworth talks about children’s’ birthday parties and how to make it a fun fun day with maximum fun and minimal stress for both, parents and the birthday kid. Birthday parties – love them or hate them,…
Position is Key
If you are a first time mother and have never done it before, face it; breastfeeding might get a little awkward and complicated for you. Yes, it is one of the most natural things of motherhood, but just like everything…
Prune Your Bush
During pregnancy, there is a certain percentage of women who don’t really care about their appearance because you think you are naturally glowing, which is absolutely true. Then comes the other half of you who are still very conscious about…
Boosting Breast Milk Supply for Baby
It is only normal for mothers, especially first time mothers to worry about their milk supply when they start breast feeding their baby. If you are a new mother and happen to have so many questions about your breast milk,…
My Toddler’s Growth
Nutrition for children is based on the same principles as nutrition for adults. Everyone basically needs the same kind of nutrients as it contributes to growth and maintaining strength and stability all throughout life. However, children need different amounts of…
Not Talking Yet?
How Do Parents know if Their Child is at Risk of Having Speech and Language Impairment? My child just needs more time to learn. My child can understand whatever I say. My child is lazy. When asked to repeat what…
Foot Fungus
What are fungi? Fungi are parasitic organisms that do not have leaves or flowers, thus incapable of performing photosynthesis to produce food. Instead they feed on other dead organic substances, including human tissue. Fungi are around us all the time,…
Baby Showers on a Budget
Excited to welcome your little baby boy or girl into this world? Can’t wait to tell the world about him or her? Well, how about throwing an awesome baby shower?! We understand that finance can be an issue for some,…