Zest Up After 25!
It’s the time of life to strengthen the foundations of your health By the age of about 25 years, the body systems have fully developed and the body should be at its peak. At this age young adults have total…
Better Nutrition, Better Mental Health
Mental health problems are quite pervasive in our society. For example, it has been found that generalized anxiety disorder may have a lifetime prevalence rate of about 5% in the population (www.mentalhealth.com). And that is only one of the 52…
Under Pressure?
Checking your blood pressure is a routine medical assessment that you may not have paid much attention to. What these blood pressure readings really say about us, and how important are the readings to your health and well-being? Be warned…
What’s Your Water Footprint?
“Hello, is this the water supply department?” “Yes, can I help you?” “My taps are dry since this morning… lah, no water.” “…the water flow is so low in this area” was another complaint of a consumer from a different…
Spot That Glow
Good skin care – including sun protection and gentle cleansing – can keep your skin healthy and glowing for years to come. Get started today with these no-nonsense beauty tips: 1. Shade up! A lifetime of sun exposure can cause…
Are You One in Twelve?
Hepatitis. What You Don’t Know CAN Kill You! Shockingly 1 in 12 people worldwide is living with either chronic hepatitis B or C. While this is far higher than the prevalence of HIV or any cancer, awareness is inexplicably low…
Ten More Diet Myths
Trying to lose weight but can’t see the results? You must be following all the wrong diet myths without knowing it. In our last issue, we covered Part 1 of Top 20 diet myths. If it was an eye-opener, here…
Top 10 Diet Myths
Trying to lose weight but can’t see the results? You must be following all the wrong diet myths without knowing it. And who can blame you when you’re bombarded with seemingly new, and most often confusing, information on what is…
Introducing Ayam Brand Tuna Organic Range
Ayam Brand has packed even more goodness into its delicious tuna range! The 125-year strong brand has recently introduced the Ayam Brand Tuna Organic range, namely, Tuna Flakes in Organic Broth, and Tuna Chunks in Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil…
Zum to the Beat
If you’ve been intrigued by Zumba Fitness which we covered in yesterday, and ready to party yourself into shape, then you’re in for a good time! To new readers, Zumba is an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party that’s…