Smooth Operator: A Guide to Natural Hair Removal Methods
Even Julia Roberts cannot pull off a hairy underarm. When she revealed a dark bush while waving to fans at the premiere of Notting Hill, it caused uproar in the following weeks and months. It is unfortunate that while body…
From Oral Health to Perfect Smiles
World Smile Day was initiated by Harvey Ball, a commercial artist from Worcester, Massachusetts who was responsible for creating the yellow smiley in 1963. That image went on to become the most recognisable symbol of good will and good cheer…
Germ Proof Your Home
Point to remember: You can’t keep your home 100 percent germ-free. Nor do you have to. Studies have found that being too clean can have its own set of problems too in today’s super-clean world, where vaccinations, anti-bacterial soaps, and…
Powerfoods: Pumpkin
Pumpkins are believed to have originated in Central America. Seeds from related plants have been found in Mexico, dating back over 7,000 years to 5,500 B.C. The word pumpkin originated from the Greek word Pepõn which means large melon. The…
Shifting Energy in the Home Through Space Clearing
Do you sometimes notice that when you enter a room, it feels ‘heavy’ or ‘sticky’? Or perhaps it feels ‘dark’ even though the room is well lit or it is a sunny day outside? We often feel something when we…
Bausch and Lomb Biotrue Multi-purpose Solution Contest
Contest ends in: [wpcdt-countdown id=”102729″] Bausch and Lomb Biotrue Multi-purpose Solution helps make wearing contact lenses easy on your eyes because it is formulated to work like your eyes. It hydrates your contact lenses in the same way that your eyes…
Being Realistic About Sustainable Living
‘How’s your car doing now?’ ‘Not bad, but it keeps reminding me that it needs tending to. It worries me’ replies the perturbed car owner. ‘What about it are you fretting over?’ ‘My car engine, I am not happy with…
Stop Being Perfect: How to have a Stress Free Holiday
During my years in retail, I have witnessed those people who plan ahead when it comes to buying gifts or even stuff for themselves. Then there are those who wait until the last minute. Although we love both types of…
Powerfoods: Rambutan
Rambutan is an exotic fruit native of Southeast Asia, and is said to have first appeared in the Malay Archipelago. A close relative of the lychee fruit, its botanical name is Nephelium lappaceum, of the Sapindaceae family. With pearl-like fruits…
Organic Raw Food Diet: 14 Days to Super Health
The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates said it well: Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food. Was he talking about fried, hormone infested chicken nuggets and genetically modified, and pesticided and herbicided veggies? Today’s modern city lifestyle…