BEST Detox & Fiber Drink – Break-tru By greens
BEST Detox & Fiber Drink Our Daily Dose of Natural Fiber 95% of Malaysians are found to lack the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables in their diets. This means that many of us are not consuming healthy food…
BEST Face Brightening Sunscreen – UVeCARE 3 in 1 Brightening Up Sunscreen
BEST Face Brightening Sunscreen For that Healthy Glow Without the Worry! Living in a sunny, tropical country, Malaysians can barely escape sun exposure, as it is the nature of the climate we live in. Hence, regardless if we adore the…
BEST Therapeutic Back Care Support Mattress – Napure
BEST Therapeutic Back Care Support Mattress Because Sleeping Should Always Be This Comfortable! Napure is our country’s top provider of quality bedding systems which include therapeutic mattresses for back support. The brand, owned by Malaysia’s largest natural latex manufacturer, LSK…
BEST Latex Mattress – Napure
BEST Latex Mattress Naturally Better in So Many Ways! Napure, owned by Malaysia’s largest natural latex manufacturer, LSK Group Sdn. Bhd. is the provider of quality bedding systems including latex mattresses which have the amiable reputation of caring for its…
BEST Dog Food (Dry) – Zignature Dry Dog Food
BEST Dog Food (Dry) Leader in Hypoallergenic Dog Food The love that pets bring to their owners’ hearts is sometimes hard to measure, for it knows no boundaries. Owning man’s best friend, also known as a dog, as a pet,…
BEST Cat Treats – Fussie Cat Purée Treats
BEST Cat Treats Love at First Lick Pets and treats are as synonymous as children and snacks. We provide treats for our precious pets as a symbol of our love and appreciation for them. Cat owners can attest to the…
BEST Cat Litter – Fussie Cat
BEST Cat Litter For the Kitty You Love! Cats can be such a joy to own as they are inherently clean creatures. They tend to instinctively and automatically use a litter tray provided by their owners. Even little kittens understand…
BEST Cat Food (Wet) – Fussie Cat
BEST Cat Food (Wet) Flavourful Favourites! If cats could talk, they would surely let us know how much they love wet food! There is just something about the texture and flavours of wet food which makes it so satisfying to…
BEST Fish Scale Collagen Jelly – Beyond Collagen+ Deep Sea Marine Collagen
最佳鱼鳞胶原蛋白冻 纯鲜炖深海鱼鳞胶原蛋白,解锁健康新境界 时光不饶人,随着年岁的增长,我们的肌肤逐渐流露出岁月的痕迹:眼角皱纹、肤色暗沉不均、脸部松垮失去弹性等等。为了保持年轻容颜,许多人选择补充胶原蛋白,而“鱼鳞胶原蛋白”已成为美容保养领域备受推崇的珍贵补品。 深海鱼鳞中的胶原蛋白含量丰富,远高于鱼皮,且鱼鳞的含钙和蛋白质均比鱼皮高。Beyond Collagen+ 深海鱼鳞胶原冻(Deep Sea Marine Collagen)作为全马第一100%纯天然鲜炖鱼鳞胶原蛋白,天然含有I、II、III等3种胶原蛋白类型,能提高人体细胞营养,促进皮肤和骨骼组织的新陈代谢,起到亮肤、紧肤、防皱的作用,缓解皮肤上种种问题,并且提高肌肉质量及防止骨质流失,让您从内到外好好进补。 Beyond Collagen+ 深海鱼鳞胶原冻的主要成分为深海鱼鳞,添加了斑兰叶、红枣、枸杞、龙眼、野生石蜂糖和香茅等优质药材长时间炖煮,每一瓶都坚持真材实料,无添加防腐剂,不含激素与类固醇,吃得更安心。 每一瓶的分量都很足很饱满,每一口都好像是吃果冻一般,口感滑嫩Q弹,香甜可口不会腥,低糖的不甜不腻,冷藏或者加热吃都可以,非常方便省时,堪称是现代女性追求快捷补充胶原蛋白、美容养颜的首选。 作为连续全马销售额领先的 Beyond Collagen+ 鱼鳞胶原冻,经过全马读者认证的精选品质,荣获Natural Health与健康时尚颁发的最佳鱼鳞胶原蛋白冻荣誉。它不仅能提升皮肤的弹性,减少皱纹和细纹,还有助于保持关节健康和骨骼支持。更为重要的是,它能够全方位为全身肌肉提供所需的营养支持,让您感受更年轻、更健康的生活! beyondcollagenplus
BEST 100% Natural Freshly Brewed Collagen – Beyond Collagen+ Deep Sea Marine Collagen
BEST 100% Natural Freshly Brewed Collagen The True Benefits of High Quality Collagen, Revealed! When we speak of collagen, we tend to think of beauty mostly, and what it can do for the appearance of our skin. While adequate collagen…