Preconception Health Care: The Underestimated Facts
Did you know that what’s happening in your body months before you get pregnant is important to the outcome of your pregnancy? Your health during this delicate period not only determines if you’ll successfully conceive and carry the pregnancy to…
Immunisation: Why Children Need Their Shots
If possible, as parents we would like to prevent any discomfort our child might experience and this may very well include the sniffles. However, what happens when the discomfort stems from our very own nonchalant attitude towards vaccines? Is it…
Off The Shelves Buying Baby Food
Baby’s first foods usually consist of either simple baby cereals or single-ingredient purees. For mothers who are way too busy to prepare their own baby food, knowing what’s out there in terms of choice, quality and ingredients are important, so…
Fertility Genetics Simplified
The science involved in the treatment of infertility has rapidly advanced in the past few years . This advancement is clearly seen in the field of In-Vitro Fertilisation or IVF. Current technology enables us to look into the genetics of…
Whatever You’re Doing, Safety First!
As a parent. it’s not unusual if you find yourself pondering on all the possible steps to take to keep your little one out of harm’s way. Here are some useful pointers. Be attentive and alert during bath times Prior…
Teaching Your Child To Be Money Smart
While it may seem trivial to teach a little child about money, keep in mind that every time they watch an ad on TV, it becomes more difficult to teach them about smart spending. Consumer culture is always hard at…
Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur launches Dr. Little Club
Kuala Lumpur, 23 March – Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur announced today the launch of Dr. Little Club, a membership programme designed to help parents bring out the best in their little ones. All babies born at the hospital are automatically enrolled…
What’s Your Baby Trying To Tell You?
Babies may not be able to talk, but if you pay close enough attention, you’ll find that they communicate well enough long before they even say their first words. In fact, according to Linda Acredolo, Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology…
My child is always getting sick!
Getting sick may be part and parcel of growing up, but it does not mean that parents have to completely surrender to these circumstances. There are always ways to boost a child’s immunity levels so that they’re better able to…
A Dozen Ways To Raise A Bookworm
Reading is a human need and being able to read well is an advantage, no two ways about it. It’s unfortunate indeed that many kids today aren’t as fond of reading as they should be. If you feel that your…