8-9 Months: Brilliant and intelligent


Baby’s developing muscles are getting stronger and he is now able to sit up by himself for as long as he wishes to. Your baby will be trying to stand up by himself now with the help of furniture or anything else nearby he can use to help pull his body up. He will be falling over many times so do keep an eye on your little growing child. Your baby still might not have perfected the skills of pushing himself forward or backwards yet and may be seen confused by his own movements. He will master them in time!


Your child will show more and more interest and appreciation for sights, movements and sounds. Make use of this phase by taking him for a stroll in the neighbourhood park and let him take in all the wonderful sights around him! Point out at flowers, birds and anything else and tell baby what they are to make the whole experience more enriching for the both of you!


Your growing child seems to want to be part of everything he sees. Also, he will rarely refuse an opportunity to be held or carried by you. Your company means more to him than anything else.


Your chatterbox is really getting along and seems to enjoy babbling away more than ever! He is now focusing on his ‘w’ and‘t’ consonants and is trying his best to mimic all the sounds he hears from you, including words you are saying. Teach him words like ‘mummy’ or ‘daddy’ and he will get it in no time!


What an inquisitive little one baby is turning out to be! Your baby seems to have a closer watch on you than you have on him! He stores everything he sees as memories and uses that information later when he needs to do some mischief! Your comical baby may greet his own reflection in the mirror, so get ready for some laughs at this age! He is getting quite skilled at showing a dislike for certain things through his body language, such as pushing away the medicine syringe and so on.

9-10 Months: Your little mover!


As junior masters his sense of balance, his crawling skills will give him all the mobility he desires to get to all those places he want to go! He is also getting more and more skilled at sitting down in a comfortable position. Next stop, walking! Your active one will soon be holding on to furniture and toddling along in a cruising fashion. Help him by holding his hands as he toddles around the room.


Baby’s pronunciations are getting more comprehensible and he is also beginning to understand more and more of what you’re saying. He just isn’t able to talk back yet. However, junior now knows very well that you’re ‘mummy’ and that refers to you, but lack of vocabulary might prompt him to call his sister, aunt or even the pet cat ‘mummy’ too! He craves attention at this stage, so do spend time with him and keep him entertained.


Junior now is an expert communicator in his own way, even if only you can understand him. He is also beginning to grasp the meaning of give and take, so this will be a good time to teach him the concept of sharing! Copying you is still on the top of his list of things to do, so don’t be surprised if you see him trying to get to the door with the keys in his hand, or pick up your cell phone and hold it up his ears!


Your baby is not only getting better verbally but is also getting to understand his own capabilities! Junior can now tell the difference between a dog and a horse, for instance, indicating a developing mind. He likes to check out different textures so do provide him with toys of varying textures and functions to help him further sharpen his mind. He is also beginning to understand shapes, colors and temperatures.

10-11 months: Come To Mama…


Many babies will attempt to start walking at this stage so junior will need your full attention or you might just miss that first step he takes! At first, he will probably toddle around and keep falling down. Practice makes perfect and soon, he will be on a mission to outrun you whenever possible! Remember though that not all babies will begin to walk at this age, so do be patient if your little one has not yet reached this milestone! Give him time and he will.


Your growing little child is getting more and more active as that days pass. Be sure to feed him foods that are high in nutrition to meet all his growing needs. He is able to feed himself using his fingers. Offer a variety of easy-to-eat snacks which are both tasty and healthy and encourage him to eat them by himself.


Show some support and encouragement towards your little kid no matter how tired or worn out you feel. Your child’s confidence depends on it and he longs for your approval in everything he attempts to do! A little extra attention at this phase will go a long way in building his self-confidence.


Junior’s getting more proficient with his speech and has mastered most of his simple words. He is now able to take on words with more syllables. Do watch your language around your little one for, when you least expect it, he is bound to imitate you without even realizing the meaning of your words.

11-12 months: Mama, I’m walking!


Your little one can now perform many physical activities including some impressive acrobatic ones! He is always ever so willing to toddle all over the place. If he is not steady yet, hold his hand and let him ‘walk’ around. His communication with you might slow down as he puts full focus on mastering new skills like climbing up furniture!


Junior might or might not like it when too much attention is showered on him, especially from strangers. While he might appreciate playing in a playschool with other children, he might take some time to get used to other adults in the scene. Most kids this age will be alright but they will tend to get anxious and even cry if their parent or minder walks away from them.


Junior realises when you prohibit him from doing something as he fully comprehends the meaning of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ by now, although he might, pretend not to understand. Consider yourself lucky if your child takes a liking to a child-friendly TV program, for it will mean a few minutes of peace and quiet for you! A good educational TV program will do him good anyway.


Baby’s sight is almost fully developed now and he can focus on objects placed quite far away from him. Generally, babies this age would have developed a liking for certain colors or hues, and tend to gravitate towards objects in those colors. At this age, attention span is not long so you might want to provide lots of stimulating toys to churn your little one’s interest.


Your baby’s mind is always working and he is getting better in his thinking skills. He is able to remember and recognize things with ease. Play ‘hide the object’ with your child and be amazed at his skill at recovering hidden items! Junior also has a good imagination now and you can witness this as you observe how he makes up roles and objects while playing by himself. You can also see it when he pretends to drink from his empty cup!

1-2 years: In an own world


Junior loves to check things out. Colourful and interesting toys will surely please the little one. Play your part and talk about the colour of a toy and also how it works, to get those little eyes and mind working together. Around this age, junior loves to investigate his surroundings so a trip to the neighbourhood park or playground would be wonderful, for there are so many things to see! Fill your precious one’s mind with mind-building sights and do stay away from sights you yourself find unpleasing to the eye.


Your child’s personality is beginning to shine, while his likes and dislikes become more apparent. Spend time with your little one to help him learn the values of friendship, kindness and other social skills. Values taught at this age tend to last a lifetime, so teach well! A toddler is also learning more about himself, so as a parent, do be supportive and nudge him towards building a positive character. Spend time too, teaching your toddler new things so that he becomes a keen learner. Not all little kids take to socialising well. If your child seems withdrawn and shy, give him time and gently encourage him to mix around and make friends.


Your fast-growing child is mastering language like a pro! He can understand simple instructions and unfortunately, he’s also learning to rebel from time to time. Many parents will find that as their child nears the two-year mark, their favourite word seem to be ‘no’, especially when told to do something. Generally, an 18-month old child will have around 15 simple words in his vocabulary. They would also have a good number of teeth, so parents should take the trouble of teaching their little ones how to keep their teeth clean. Use a kiddie toothpaste till junior is old enough to spit it out. You can begin to make dentist appointments for your child from now on.


Junior is capable of hearing every word you say, and more than capable of understanding most of it too. However, whether he chooses to listen, is another story! On the plus side, junior would have no problems pointing out his body parts when asked to, signifying that his hearing is fine. Most one to two year olds can be stubborn little protesters, often resorting to yelling and shouting to show their displeasure of something. For the good of your family, do make an extra effort to keep your cool at all times!


Junior’s muscles are becoming stronger than ever. He can now bend over to pick up objects from the floor. Soon, he will be walking effortlessly in all directions, even backwards! The outdoors seems to be his favourite place and he loves to explore. Indoors, however, will pose some new challenges to parents of toddlers when they begin to climb chairs, coffee tables and even the stairs! Childproof your home to keep your precious little wanderer safe and prevent untoward accidents at home.


Your kiddo’s mind has developed vastly and now, not only can he point to an object of interest, but he may even name the said object too. This is the highly impressionable time in his life and everything he sees or hears is fair game for him to mimic. As a parent, you will want to surround him with positive and up building things to copy. It’s also a good time to instil good habits like washing his hands, wiping his feet before entering your house, etc. If your child is left at the sitter’s do make certain that the environment is a good one and that there are no negative influences for him to follow.

Your child learns the fastest and most efficient now so take advantage of this and fill up his mind with useful knowledge and skills. Teach your precious child as much as you can to help enrich his life. Many parents choose to send their kids to enrichment centres for this purpose. Also, plant the love of reading and music now, and it will be a life-long source of enjoyment and satisfaction!

2-3 years: Your child is learning every day!


Junior is as active as can be and loves playing and meeting new friends. Lots of exercise will benefit him and help strengthen those muscles and activate his mind as well. Other than his playschool or enrichment centre, your child is now more exposed to the outdoors too, so good hygiene habits are paramount for his well-being. Instil the habit of cleanliness, especially hand-washing while he is still impressionable. Make hand-washing a pleasurable activity and keep things interesting with scented soaps, colourful hand towels and so on. Practice beneficial habits and your child will follow! Good hygiene habits go a long way to prevent bacteria which causes illnesses so teach him well.


You may talk as much as you want to your toddler as he can hear you quite well. Of course, whether or not he acknowledges you is another story! Talk about ditching the pacifier, using the toilet, putting back his toys and anything else you would like to communicate to him. It will make it easier for him to accept when the time comes to apply them. Also, do not leave out things he would love to hear too, like your affections for him and what a clever little kid he is too!


This is the age where Junior gets caught up in his playing time and does not care much for rest and sleep. As a responsible parent, you will have to see to it that your little tyke or princess gets lots of rest which is needed for that growing body. Routines and rules will have to be established with care and implemented firmly so that your child will not lose out on precious rest. Set up a favourable routine which will help your busy little one unwind and get ready for bed. Helping him to brush his teeth and reading him a bedtime story are examples of winding-down activities which can be done to help him ease into sleep mode. Good sleeping habits will help junior grow into a well-tempered, happy and healthy adult.


Your toddler’s sight is as good as 20/20 now. However, he might only use it for things he cares enough to focus upon. A child with no sight issues may easily detect objects across the room, especially if it’s a brightly colored object. When you’re outdoors with junior, notice how interested he is in the sights around him. Even if he does not talk much during outings at a park or when he’s in the car, your little one is actually taking in all there is to see. Polish his knowledge of colors, objects and shapes with flashcards or books.


They don’t call this group the ‘terrible twos’ for nothing. Some parents may have to face frightful tantrums from their toddlers, especially if whims and fancies are not met. Patience is the key, while wisdom is the power. There will be lots of tests to your sanity so do aim to keep a cool head and resist screaming matches with your little tantrum thrower. (You will lose any way!). Many toddlers tend to cry and wail when they’re frustrated at other kids, at themselves and at anything or anyone at all. Your role as a parent is to keep yourself calm first before attempting to calm your little one down. Your warm embrace, hugs and kisses might work at times, and at other times, your child will have to cry it out. Like everything else during these toddler ages, it will come to pass.


Your mini chatterbox now can rattle away and there’s no stopping him! He may have up to 200 words and counting in his vocabulary by now. He will be busy building sentences to communicate his needs and wants and also, just to engage you in conversation. He loves calling your name and might do so even without much reason. Junior loves engaging in conversation with family members and yearns to be part of any conversation taking place at home. By the time he reaches three years of age, your child may have around 900 words or more in his vocabulary! Get ready to be on call for answers to every question he will be asking from then on!