Legendary Confinement Center
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Description: 无论是贫穷或富裕,每一位妈妈都有选择坐月子的权利,每一位妈妈都应该得到最好的待遇和照顾,并且获得最准确和充分的知识如何做好一位新手妈妈。传说月子中心汇聚多年产后护理经验,打造“传说”的一站式产后护理中心,结合专业的母婴护理、膳食调理、产后修复、育婴为一体,是许多新晋妈妈们的优选。 传说月子中心坐落在八打灵再也市中心,地理位置优越,环境安静清幽,拥有独立式洋房建筑,提供温馨舒适的月子套房及设施,让妈妈们都能有宾至如归且放松的好心情享受产后蜜月假期。女人做好月子很重要,因为拥有强壮的体魄才能照顾好宝贝孩子们,每日提供精心烹调的营养月子餐,融合了现代和传统食补做法,为不同体质的产妇量身订制滋补汤,帮助妈妈们能够尽快调理及恢复身体。同时配备了现代化的设备和专业团队,为宝妈和宝宝提供24小时全天候细心照护。 传说月子中心秉持着每一位产后妈妈都能够享受最合适自己的月子服务的使命,为妈妈们的不同需求制定独特的服务,使她们享受到更加周到、个性化的坐月服务。值得一提的是,传说月子中心也提供多元化的创新服务内容,如提供月嫂培训、顾问服务、连锁加盟、月子餐外卖服务等。
Biolane Nursing Balm
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Description: Descriptions BIOLANE Nursing Balm prepares and soothes sensitive, irritated nipples, before and after breastfeeding. Formula contains lanolin, with moisturizing, protective and repairing properties: nourishes and softens the skin to prepare the breasts for breastfeeding; soothes and repairs by rebuilding the…
UPIS Disposable Breast Pads
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Description: Flower shaped double leak -proof line Lasting comfort and dryness Disposable breast pads with a “breathable cover” Made in Korea
Rivadouce Maman Maternity Stretch Mark Oil – 100ml
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Description: Specifically formulated for pregnancy, Rivadouce Maman (Maternity) Stretch Mark Oil is suitable and guaranteed optimum safety for your baby. Hypoallergenic and tested under dermatological control A high tolerance formula with minimum ingredients (only 6 ingredients) Improves skin elasticity and prevents…
Serimama Herba Oles
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Description: Apart from internal treatments, we also need to practice outdoor treatments. Herbs Oles Serimama is used as a release for the mother who is abstinence by putting a little on the forehead with certain nourishment.
Medela Contact Nipple Shields
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Description: Medela contact nipple shields offer a durable, comfortable and convenient way to make breastfeeding easier. These Medela nipple shields are designed to help mum breastfeed babies with latch-on difficulties by providing a larger, firmer target for latching. They can also…
Stretch Marks Body Balm
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Description: Our best-selling product is the stretch mark cream which can effectively reduce the appearance of stretch marks. By using powerful ingredients that are known to diminish the discoloration and reduce the rough surface in your skin, you have a skincare…
Ecobb Extra Large U Shape Maternity Pillow
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Description: When you’re pregnant, your body is changing in ways that can impact your sleep. You may experience back aches, cramps in your legs, pelvic stiffness, and may find it hard to get a good night’s sleep. Fortunately, there are many…
Lansinoh Disposable Nursing Pad
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Description: Discrete, comfortable protection to help you stay dry day or night. The pads are individually wrapped with a quilted honeycomb lining to provide leak-proof protection and a unique breathable waterproof layer to ensure complete coverage. They also maintain their form…
NUK Nipple Wipes
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Description: NUK Nipple Wipes are suitable to be used before and after breastfeeding the baby. 100% cotton Each piece of the Nipple Wipes is thoroughly sterilized by autoclaving machines at 115 dec C. Only purified water is used and contains no…