Novalac Follow On Formula
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Description: Descriptions Novalac 2 is a follow on milk formula that covers all the nutritional needs of infants from 6 months old. Novalac 2 is used in conjunction with a diversified diet that has been progressively introduced in accordance with medical advice.
Novalac Novarice
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Description: Descriptions Novarice is a special formula based on rice proteins that is nutritionally complete and suitable for infants who are suffering from food allergies like cow’s milk protein or soya. Novarice also suits infants with lactose intolerance or any protein…
Nature’s Way Spiru-Tein Junior Nutritious Milk Shake Chocolate
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Description: Descriptions Quality Guaranteed by Independent Laboratory Assays The Energy Supplements Gluten Free Tri-Part Protein For Kids Only Non-GMO, Natural Soy Kosher Parve Vegetarian, Yeast-Free Product
Dugro® Complete
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Description: Memperkenalkan Dugro® Complete! Rumusan ‘Catch-Up Growth’ untuk Si Manja yang mengalami kekurangan nutrisi atau pertumbuhan kurang memuaskan. Tenaga untuk ‘Catch-Up Growth’ Nutrien Tumbersaran & DHA Tanpa Sukrosa
Puremil Full Cream Milk Powder
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Description: Susu tepung penuh krim dgn khasiat 13 jenis vitamin dan 10 jenis garam mineral. Mengandungi kalsium dan protein yang tinggi. Turut mengandungi DHA+EPA dan Omega 3 yang tinggi. Serbuk susu berwarna kuning, strukturnya sedikit gebu dan tidak seroi.