Little Baby Grains Starter Kit for Babies
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Description: A box set equipped with everything you need to start solids with your little one! This kit comes with a complete set of instruction cards to guide you for the first 24 days of your baby’s feeding journey. We…
Fawwaz The Little Kitchen Organic Baby Noodle
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Description: MATERIAL: Organic flour, water filter, vegetable. METHOD OF USE: 1. Boil the meat for 5-7 minutes. 2. Filter the noodles until the water is dry. 3. Let the noodles cool and ready to cook.
Toddible Toddler Porridge
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Description: Textured white rice porridge Suitable for baby with teeth Convenient preparation – just add hot water 100% natural white rice tasty and nutritious
Little Freddie Organic Oat & Raisin Biscuits
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Description: These tasty biscuits are made with wheat flour and wholegrain spelt flour for more flavour and texture. They are naturally sweetened with grape juice and raisins. Texture, taste and aroma Soft but lightly crunchy Nutty oats, wholegrains and sweet raisins…
PipiPau Grains – Oatmeal
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Description: Each tasty bowl of PipiPau Grains contains the perfect balance of vitamins and minerals to support your child’s growth and development. Our products are lovingly developed using only the finest ingredients. High nutrition complementary food like rice, fish, meat, chicken,…
EveryMorning Kids Multigrain Powder For Growth
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Description: EveryMorning KidzSential Grow Up is kids multigrain powder for growth. It is suitable for children, especially for optimal growth. It is a mother’s favourite nutritious multigrain beverage for their loved ones. The worst nightmare for a mother is knowing her child…
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Description: 你也是外食一族?您是否每天都烦恼吃什么呢?害怕油腻的外食让体重直线飙升?尤其是抗疫期间的上班族,长期的外食状况不佳,导致营养不均衡,无形中提高肥胖、慢性疾病等风险!80TwentyFit为此特别设计了各种组合的健康午餐菜单,并提供古晋市外送服务,让外食族也能轻轻松松享用均衡营养的轻食简餐,从此避开健康地雷,外食健康没烦恼! 80TwentyFit创始于2018年,总部设在砂拉越州古晋市,追求清淡、均衡、自然、健康、无负担的饮食,以用心做好每一份健康美味食物的精神,为忙碌的上班族提供每星期一至五的轻食简餐,还有5天配套以及20天配套。他们的均衡饮食理念遵循帕累托法则(Pareto principle),即所谓的80/20法则,建议人们采取大约80%吃健康食物,20%就无需忌口、大方吃。因此,每一份的80TwentyFit外卖便当都相当精致又高颜值,采用各种新鲜蔬果及天然食材经过简单调味,让女生们减肥也可以不挨饿,让上班族外食也不用担心热量和饮食不均衡。 80TwentyFit健康主厨来掌勺,每周提供不同的营养午餐菜单,让您吃得无负担;无论您是小家庭、单身一族,或是外食族都没烦恼,无需出门、待在家也能吃得均衡、吃得卫生、吃得好!还有适合减肥人士,低卡还美味,天天外卖也不胖!
Natural Honey Organic Honey
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Description: Descriptions Honey bees swarm around their environment to collect nectar, which are sugar-rich liquids from plants. Producing honey from the nectar takes place in the beehive. It is a group activity consisting of repeated consumption, digestion and regurgitation (expulsion from…