Breaking Down the 5 Biggest Hair Myths
If you’re like most women, you probably consider your hair your best accessory—so it’s no wonder that you’d go to great lengths to keep it in top shape. But are some of your most common beauty rituals actually doing more…
Listen to Your Feet: 10 Subtle Signs of Disease
Thyroid disease, heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers are all quite easily detected from a few simple signs your feet can give you. Read on to find out how your feet can give you a self diagnosis, and book…
Orthotics for Healthy Feet
Foot orthoses are specially designed shoe inserts that help support the feet and correct any imbalances. To tell us more about them is Dato’ Dr. Edmund Lee, PhD, Certified Orthotist and Prosthetist. What are Orthotics? What does an Orthotist do?…
IBD and IBS – Do You Know the Difference?
Although they both sound similar, they are in fact very different. IBD is the acronym for inflammatory bowel disease whereas IBS is irritable bowel syndrome. IBD is much rarer than IBS. One in five people has IBS, but only about…
Skin care, stress and your skin
Good skin care is extremely important to everyone regardless of age, ethnicity or gender. Good skin care and practice should be practised from young to keep your skin healthy at all times. For those who are too busy for intensive…
10 Skincare Tips to Keep You Looking Smooth and Supple
Good skincare not only assures a healthy and glowing skin but also delays the skin’s ageing process and keeps skin disorders at bay. Here are some skincare tips to keep the skin smooth and supple and make a fresh start…
8 Natural Recipes for Amazing Skin… from a Plastic Surgeon
Turn back the clock with these natural anti-ageing masks and recipes from ‘The Doctors’ plastic surgeon and beauty guru Andrew Ordon, MD. It may seem ironic for a board-certified plastic surgeon to be doling out advice on how to defy…
Be a Wogger!
Start your day on the right footing with wogging – a breakthrough workout to achieve your fitness goals fast. We crawl before we learn to walk. We wog before we learn to run. Wog? That’s right, W-O-G. Wogging is a…
Atasi Masalah Hubungan Seks
Apakah sistem reproduktif wanita? Sistem reproduktif wanita adalah penting bagi seseorang wanita agar ianya dapat hamil dan melahirkan anak. Ianya terdiri daripada dua bahagian: a. Bahagian luar b. Bahagian dalam Apakah bahagian luar reproduktif wanita? Ianya terdiri daripada beberapa struktur…
Weight Loss: An Alternative Way Forward
Overweight or obesity means having an excessively high proportion of body fat. Most health professionals use a measurement called body mass index (BMI) to classify an adult weight as healthy, overweight, obese or extremely obese. You can calculate BMI by…