Panduan Pilih Prasekolah Terbaik
Tidak dinafikan, ramai ibu bapa yang bimbang untuk memasukkan anak mereka ke prasekolah. Selain memikirkan sama ada bolehkah anak menyesuaikan diri di sana, ibu bapa juga risau untuk membuat keputusan memilih prasekolah yang terbaik buat si kecil. Semestinya, selepas membuat…
The Impact of Montessori on Your Child’s Education
“Is Montessori education adequate for my child?” This is a commonly raised question by many parents as they pave the path for their young children, to ensure their young ones receive a strong head start in education. Many parents have…
Will It Be IB For Your Kid?
For World-Bound Students Throughout the four decades of its existence, the IB program still maintains the noble goal of creating responsible, socially-conscious adults who use their cross-cultural education to promote world peace through global understanding. IB today has evolved to…