- dietary supplement for children, to improve their appetite and promote growth
- suitable for children below 4 years old because it is in the form of liquid and majority of the nutrients comply with 100% of United States Dietary Reference Intake
- also comes with a dose master that can help parents for easy feeding and accurate
Kurang selera makan tiada lagi
Menambah selera mkn anak
multivitamin untuk anak
Recommended Multivitamin
multivitamin untuk anak saya
Improve my child appetite
Then my husband bought this appeton at pharmacy because her weight is no ok. After consume this about 2 weeks, the impact is noticeable. She started to eat many rice. And she continued eat fruit, biscuits after eat main course. I'm so happy.
At first, I not noticed her weight gain. My sister and my mother told me my daughter look chubby than before. From there I start notice.
This appeton taste good. Orange flavour. A bit sour. Luckily my child love it. The packaging in glass bottle. Must handle with care.
Membantu menambah selera makan anak
Highly recommend multivitamin.
Kesihatan anak-anak terjamin
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