Benefits of Spa Treatments for Babies

We all know there are spas all over that offer spa treatments for expectant and new mums, but there are not many that offer spa treatment for the little ones. If anyone has visited a spa recently or do so often, you would know very well that the minute you enter it gives you a sense of calm.

The air is filled with the delicate scent of essential oils and soft, ambient music is played throughout the treatment, making the spa experience a multi-sensory one. As a result, it is impossible to leave without feeling utterly relaxed and totally spoiled.

It is this multi-sensory experience that it is important to recreate when you carry out baby massage. The benefits of baby massage and also how effective multi-sensory stimulation can be on babies and children are endless.

Stimulating the sense of hearing

As we all know, music is a great way to connect with an individual. Music and rhythmic verbal sounds have an extremely powerful effect on the mind and body. Music creates a healthy and stimulating sound world and helps enhance a baby’s growth.

It would be great to play some music while gently massaging your baby. However, keep in mind that music played during a massage should be soft and calming, something that makes you feel relaxed would most likely make your baby feel relaxed as well.

Stimulating the sense of smell

Smell, more than any other sense, is intimately linked to the parts of the brain that process emotion and associative learning and aromatherapy has a long tradition of using scent to calm or to stimulate the senses.

There are many massage oils to choose from that generally come with different smells for a calming effect. When choosing something for your baby, you should something that would be safe for her as the oil would get on her hand and go straight into her mouth.

It is best to avoid mineral oils or oils that come with artificial fragrance, If budget allows – go for something organic and fragrance free.

Stimulating the sense of touch

In the first eight weeks of a baby’s life, skin to skin contact is one of the most essential elements in ensuring your baby develops a healthy brain. A continuous contact of mum and baby will stimulate your baby’s brain in a healthy way.

Benefits of Spa for babies & children

Just like adults, most babies enjoy a good massage session as well. But it is not all about fun and quality time with mum. There are a number of benefits it contributes to the growth and development of your baby.

  • A profound way of creating a special bond with your baby
  • Provides comfort and assurance to your baby, who can see you, hear your voice and sense your touch
  • This activity lets dad play a part in baby’s early life, makes him feel included
  • Great way to relieve and prevent infant colic
  • Improves your baby’s blood circulation
  • Each session releases endorphins – the body’s natural painkiller and a feel good chemical
  • Helps baby learn to breathe deeper – allowing baby to sleep soundly
  • Promotes sensory awareness as all senses are stimulated from a young age
  • Improves baby’s nervous system, allowing good communication of the brain and the body
  • Boosts new parents’ confidence in handling their baby
  • Helps premature babies and those with disabilities as it improves muscle tone and stimulate growth hormone
  • Most importantly, baby spa allows a special bonding session just between parents and baby. For new parents, this is the perfect way to reduce stress and bond with your baby. For experienced parents, if you find it hard to cope since there are other children to look out for – a spa session is perfect as it provides alone time with your new baby.