The best mosquito netting service professionals will set you up against pesky mosquitoes and bugs. Don’t skimp and save, hire a professional to do the job for you.

Mosquito netting can be fitted to windows, doors and gates – all of which are different sizes and require different installation techniques. Professional installers have the know-how to deal with each type of space and the expertise to install the netting properly. If you try to do it yourself, you will have to learn how to do it and you might make costly mistakes that will delay the project.

Speaking of cost, it may seem cheaper to do it yourself, but as we’ve mentioned before, your inexperience might end up costing you more money. If you mess something up, you’ll have to buy replacements. Even worse, accidents might land you in the hospital. Installing mosquito netting is trickier than you think , so leave it to the professionals.

Also remember that the professionals have all the right tools and equipment for the job, as well as the expertise to know what they are doing. This means that they will come all prepared, complete the job efficiently, and leave your home spick and span (another bonus point is that you won’t have to clean up the mess). You won’t waste your money buying tools that you might never use again. You won’t waste your time fiddling around inexpertly and you won’t stress yourself out cleaning up after the project.

Customer service is also a plus point of hiring a professional installer. The best mosquito netting service professionals will be glad to answer all your questions, give you tips, work with your requirements, and help you with any issues that crop up post-installation. They might also give a discount for any subsequent work.

What Does Mosquito Netting Installation Include?

The mosquito netting installer will normally come to your home before the installation to have a look at the windows, doors or gates that need to be netted over. They will consult with you on your preferences and requirements, and take measurements of each space to be netted. A quotation will be drawn up and presented to you to confirm.

The netting will then be custom-made to fit and another visit will be scheduled for the fitting, Finally, the professional will round off the installation by testing each netted space, ensuring that there are no gaps.

How Do I Choose a Suitable Mosquito Netting Installation Service Professional?

* Get Online

Check out the review sites relevant to your area. Go for paid membership sites where you can be assured that every review is a genuine one given by actual clients.

When you have found a few companies you want to explore further, peruse their websites. Read through the reviews posted there and ask for referrals from satisfied customers. Contact these referrals to discuss their experiences with the companies.

* Go For Experience

Choose a professional that has many years of experience. They would be the most knowledgeable and have the most expertise to solve all your mosquito netting needs. They would know what to do in the event of any hiccups along the way during the installation, and they would give the best tips to help you get the best out of your netting.

* Do They Manufacture the Product?

The manufactures of the product would be in the best position to know all the ins and outs about the product. They would also know exactly how it should be installed and how to overcome any problems that might crop up during installation. Manufacturers would also be able to advise you about which products work in tandem to give you better protection.

* Brand Specialists vs General Installation Professionals

While it’s good to have a specialist who is familiar with the ins and outs of a particular brand of netting, it’s also good to know your options, so consider going with a company that deals with a few different types and brands of netting. That way, you can get advice on the best option for you, which might not necessarily be a specific brand or type of netting. You might ultimately end up with different types of netting for different areas of your house.

* Does The Company Check Their Professionals?

For the duration of the installation, you will have the professionals at  your home and they will obviously be privy to your address and your home interior. You would want to make sure that they are reliable and trustworthy. Check if the company does background checks on their professionals and ask to see a written assurance of their reliability.

* Are They Responsive?

You would want to choose a mosquito netting installation service professional that you can work well with. When you are reviewing your shortlist, ask each company the same set of questions so that you can compare their responses. Are the open? Are they professional? How do they handle special requests? Your hope is to find a company that you can keep coming back to long-term for all your mosquito netting needs.

* What Does The Contract Look Like?

Before you sign the contract, take the time to read through it thoroughly. At they very least it should list down the materials you discussed, the product measurements and quantities, the date and time of installation, how many professionals will be at the house, the payment scheme, and any guarantees. The best mosquito netting service professionals will also include after-sales service.

What Are the Prices I Might Expect?

The quoted prices include supply and installation of fibreglass mesh.

* Single Window Installation RM390

* 5 Windows Installation RM870

* 10 Windows Installation RM1,500