Q: How can I improve the quality of my breastmilk? I’m worried my baby isn’t putting enough weight.

Lactation expert Rita Rahayu Omar says,

“Breastfeeding is a confidence game, and nothing undermines a mother’s confidence like being afraid her baby isn’t getting enough milk. If your baby is producing enough wet diapers and bowel movements and he is gaining sufficient weight, he is getting enough milk! If you are concerned about the diet affecting the quality of you milk – you do not need a perfect diet to produce milk sufficient of nutrients and protective properties for your baby! Some believe that the number of calories you consume and the amount of fluid you drink has an effect on the quality and quantity of your milk, but there is no research-based evidence to prove this.

Your breastmilk is unique to your baby and your body will provide all the nutrients your baby requires accordingly. If we use plain simple logic – what comes in must come out! Good urine output means baby is getting a sufficient quantity of fluids from the milk. Good stool ouput tells you about the quality of the milk, (i.e. whether baby is nursing well and long enough to trigger mother’s milk ejection reflex, which brings the creamier, high-calorie hindmilk). When babies do not produce sufficient stools in the early weeks, it is important to assess the breastfeeding. Learn about efficient latching and suckling. Make sure to get help from a lactation consultant if you experience difficulties. Discuss with your doctor to determine if your baby needs supplementation during the time he is learning to breastfeed more efficiently.”

Q: How can I prevent obesity in my child?

Dietitian Ng Yee Voon says,

“Prevention of obesity in children requires full cooperation of parents and other care providers. First and foremost, parents need to recognise that a child is at risk of obesity or his eating pattern is not healthy. Simply bringing the problem up to the attention of your child and expect a change in his habit will guarantee failure. Hence, parents need to create an environment that cultivates the habit of healthy eating. Preparing healthy food choices at home, bringing children to restaurant that offers healthier options, and making sound selection of food are ways to educate your child indirectly. Best still, make healthy eating a family activity, rather than just the goal for the fat kid.

Obesity is a net outcome of overeating and low physical activity. Making sure that your child is playing outdoor or is enrolled in an exercise class, helps too.”