GNC L-Glutathione 500

Product Details

Glutathione is vital for eliminating toxin as it is mainly found in detoxification organs such as liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tracts (GI tracts) and lungs.In fact, liver produces the highest amounts because of its central role in detoxification.Glutathione is both supplied by the diet and produced by the body. However, our body’s glutathione level may be depleted due to:

o   Aging: production of glutathione dropped drastically after 30’s

o   Lifestyle: smoking, alcohol intake and frequent exposure under sunlight

  • GNC L-Glutathione 500 supplies 500mg of Setria® L-Glutathione to meet daily intake requirement and further improve your health status
  • Setria® L-Glutathione is natural, highly pure, absorbable and stable form of Glutathione.
  • Setria®  Glutathione is also reduced form Glutathione, which provides effective results


  • Provide antioxidant protection by neutralizing free radicals and recycling Vitamin C & E to maximize antioxidant protection
  • Improve skin whitening by reducing melanin (pigmentation) production that cause darker skin tone
  • It protects collagen fibers from free radical damage (due to UV ray exposure) and maintains elasticity of the skin, which delays aging symptoms
  • It promotes detoxifications in 2 ways:

a.    Eliminate toxins and ingested chemicals that body has already absorbed

b.    Intercept and neutralize toxins in the GI tracts before they are even absorbed

  • It maintains healthy white blood cells activity and stimulates natural killing ability of immune cells to support effective immune system functions
  1. Sanjutha86
    7 reviews

    Get whiten with gluthathione

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 16, 2018

    Im taking this GNC gluthathione for 2 months.. and I see good result…my skin become fairer including overall body… it also reduce appearance of dark spot on face… It also reduce acne amd inflamation as gluthathione is anti inflamatory. I experience brightening of whole body in just 2 months. The price also affordable and no harm or side effect. I think this product release works for all type skin. Reduce melanin production in body and pigmentation.Im happy with this items.

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