VHC Formula Male

Product Details

Helping To Make Fatherhood A Reality
Infertility can affect men just as severely as it does women. It could be due to a few factors, but it always concerns a man’s sperm cell. A low sperm count is the main culprit, while sperm motility and morphology also contributes to this dilemma. In terms of sperm count, a low sperm count lowers the chances of conception, both naturally and via IVF and IUI as well. In poor sperm motility, the sperm cells lack the speed, or have other problems in moving towards and reaching the woman’s egg for fertilisation. Sperm morphology refers to the size and shape of the sperm cell, whereby that too impacts the success rate of the sperm reaching the egg. Made from genuine Chinese herbs, VCH Formula Male is created to enhance men’s fertility by aiding in the normal, healthy production of sperm cells, and also in boosting sperm count. It works from within in reinforcing natural, healthy cells and a healthy body overall, for a healthy body is more capable of producing healthy sperm. VCH Formula Male believes in building an army of ‘elite sperm’ for its consumers, helping them conquer the journey of fatherhood.


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