Sterimar Nose Hygiene And Comfort
Sterimar Nose Hygiene And Comfort

Sterimar Nose Hygiene And Comfort

Product Details

Air pollutants, a bane to our existence, are notoriously responsible for causing a number of respiratory problems such as shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, even asthma. Then there’s Covid-19, rattling lives across the globe over the past couple of years with unprecedented upheaval, backing us into a corner ridden with hand sanitizers, wet wipes and, of course, masks, which tend to be the source of a congested nose or other respiratory issues. Which is why Sterimar Nose Hygiene and Comfort is a boon to your family’s health and wellness care.

The award-winning nasal spray contains a solution of natural seawater found off the French coast of Brittany, rich in trace elements and marine minerals. Similar to the natural composition of plasma and cells of the human body, the solution gently cleans the nose and gets rid of airborne irritants such as pollen and dust, while treating ENT problems, eg nasal congestion, rhinitis, flu and sinusitis. Thanks to a specially designed nozzle, a microdiffusion ensures optimum penetration of the active ingredients to help keep the nasal passage clean and moisturized to avoid dryness and infections.

As Sterimar Nose Hygiene And Comfort contains no nasal medications, steroids, drugs or preservatives, it can be safely used by adults and children (above age 3), up to six times a day.

Pencemaran udara, satu masalah yang menjejaskan kehidupan kita kerana ia menyumbang kepada beberapa masalah kesihatan seperti sesak nafas, batuk, semput dan sakit lelah. Ia diikuti Covid-19 yang mengganggu rutin kehidupan masyarakat sedunia sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu dengan pelbagai cabaran yang tidak pernah dialami sebelum ini. Amalan menggunakan pembersih tangan yang kerap, penggunaan pengelap tisu basah, tidak ketinggalan, pelitup muka menjadi punca kepada masalah hidung tersumbat dan masalah pernafasan yang lain. Sterimar Nose Hygiene and Comfort merupakan solusi kepada penjagaan kesihatan dan kesejahteraan seluruh anggota keluarga.

Semburan hidung pemenang anugerah ini mengandungi larutan air laut semula jadi dari pesisir pantai Brittany di Perancis yang kaya dengan unsur surih dan mineral laut. Menyerupai komposisi semula jadi plasma dan sel-sel tubuh badan manusia, semburan ini membantu menyingkirkan perengsa bawaan udara seperti debunga dan habuk, sambil merawat masalah berkaitan telinga, hidung dan lidah (ENT), antaranya ialah hidung tersumbat, rinitis, selesema dan resdung. Segala pujian kepada muncung Sterimar yang direka khas menghasilkan mikrodiffusi untuk memastikan penembusan sempurna bahan aktif demi pembersihan saluran ronga hidung menyeluruh dan mengelakkan pengumpulan lendir. Ia juga mengekalkan kelembapan ronga hidung bagi mengelakkan kekeringan dan jangkitan.

Sterimar Nose Hygiene and Comfort tidak mengandungi bahan ubat hidung, steroid, ubat penenang atau bahan pengawet. Ia boleh digunakan dengan selamat setiap hari oleh kanak-kanak (tiga tahun ke atas) serta dewasa sehingga enam kali sehari.

众所周知,许多空气污染物不仅对人类健康有害,它们还会影响我们的呼吸系统,引发许多呼吸道疾病,例如呼吸急促、喘息、咳嗽,甚至哮喘等症状。近年来,新冠病毒(Covid-19)疫情给全球各地生活带来了前所未有的剧变,把我们逼到一个到处都是洗手液、湿纸巾以及口罩的角落里,这往往是鼻子阻塞或其他呼吸问题的根源。这就是Sterimar 鼻腔清洁喷雾(Sterimar Nose Hygiene and Comfort)会成为您与家人鼻腔健康守护神的原因。

作为屡获殊荣的 Sterimar鼻腔清洁喷雾,采用源自法国布列塔尼海岸的纯净海水,富含微量元素和海洋矿物质。天然海水与人体细胞具有相似的天然成分,有助于温和清洁鼻腔,迅速清除花粉和灰尘等空气中的刺激物,同时治疗鼻塞、鼻炎、流感和鼻窦炎等耳鼻喉问题。此外,特殊设计的喷头,通过微扩散系统更能确保海水活性成分深入鼻腔,并保持鼻腔清洁和湿润,舒缓鼻黏膜过干不适和预防感染。

最重要的是,Sterimar 鼻腔清洁喷雾无添加鼻用药物成分,不含类固醇、药物及防腐剂,因此3岁以上的儿童和成年人可以安心使用,包括孕妇和哺乳母亲,每天的使用用量2至6次。Sterimar 鼻腔清洁喷雾保护全家鼻腔健康,让每一口呼吸变得更轻松。

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  1. Katrizah47
    1 reviews

    Sterimar Nasal Hygiene

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 12, 2022

    Sterimar Nose Hygiene and Comfort Spray for Babies And Adult sangat berkesan dan membantu untuk kurangkan ketidakselesaan hidung anak tersumbat akibat salesma . anak saya dari 6 bulan hingga umur setahun sllu guna sterimar ni sangat² membantu ? Sterimar Nose Hygiene and Comfort Spray for Babies And Adult mudah dan selamat untuk digunakan .

  2. Raja Zulinda
    1 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 15, 2021

    Masalah hidung tersumbat boleh diatasi dengan menggunakan produk STERIMAR Nose Hygience And Comfort Spray yang terbukti dapat menambah baik kualiti tidur dan seterusnya kualiti kehidupan. Sangat berkesan dan disyorkan.

  3. Jesc
    19 reviews

    Sterimar Nose Hygiene spray

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 14, 2021

    Sterimar Nose Hygiene spray are 100% sea water and drug free. It can blow my nose easily and get rid of mucosities without soring the nostrils. It is very gentle and easy for using. I practise nasal cleansing daily for nose hygiene care and preventing influenza. Highly recommended for adults.

  4. May Lim30
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 14, 2021

    Thanks you 100Comments & Sterimar Malaysia choose me.

    Having nose block and heavy flu? Sterimar Nose Hygiene & Comfort Nasal Spray is coming to rescue you! Help to improve breathing, contributing to a healthy sleeping pattern.
    Sterimar nose hygiene baby is a medical can use device to recommended daily for babies from 0 to 3 years old to gently cleanse the nose and eliminate impurities dust, fine pollution particles, mucus and allergens.
    Sterimar nose hygiene & comfort is a medical device recommended for children and adults to cleanse and eliminate impurities the dust, mucus and allergens.

    -For daily nasal hygiene
    -Helps children learn how to blow their nose
    -Restores natural moisture of the nose
    -To assist with ENT disorders such as sinusitis, colds, hayfever, allergies, dry & stuffy nose.

  5. Syahirah Bastari
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 14, 2021

    Seriouslyy, I really like this Sterimar-nose-hygiene-and-comfort-spray. It\’s deeply clean up and eliminate impurities with the goodness of natural ingredients without extra burden. It\’s really can heal my woes and solve my block nose each time I use it. Alongside I use it, it has no known side effects and it safe for all my family. Thank you Sterimar-nose-hygiene-and-comfort-spray.

  6. sulynns31
    18 reviews

    Sterimar Nose Hygiene & Comfort Nasal Spray

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 14, 2021

    First and foremost, thank you 100Comments & Sterimar Malaysia that choosing me to try out the Sterimar Nose Hygiene & Comfort Nasal Spray. I have had sinus problems since I was young, and this problem will get serious when the weather is cold and the environment has dust. After I try on Sterimar Nose Hygiene & Comfort Nasal Spray it really rescues me from this problem as it improves my breathing, especially during my sleeping time. Besides that, my baby boy also has the same problem as me. I am thankful that we have a Sterimar Nose Hygiene baby. This is because this product is suitable for babies from 0 to 3 years old to help to clear the nasal passages, allowing the child to breathe more easily and making it easier for them to feed and sleep. I will continue to use Sterimar Nose Hygiene & Comfort Nasal Spray for myself and Sterimar Nose Hygiene baby for my boy. I would recommend these products to parents who want to improve their breathing condition.

  7. Janicethon41
    5 reviews

    Sterimar Nose Hygiene

    3 out of 5, reviewed on December 13, 2021

    Love Sterimar as it is 100% sea water. Drug-free that is safe for my kids. With gentle and different nozzles for baby and kids/adults. A convenient solution for my kids before they sleep and wake. It can easily clear their stuffy nose themselves with just a spray.

  8. Nina Amalina
    7 reviews

    Sterimar Nose Hygiene and Comfort Spray memang terbaik

    5 out of 5, reviewed on December 9, 2021

    Sterimar Nose Hygiene and Comfort Spray for Babies and Adult ni memang kena selalu standby kat rumah atau time pergi travel. Memang membantu sangat bila anak terkena selsema. Ianya sememangnya mudah dan selamat untuk digunakan lagi² bila hidung anak tak selesa atau tersumbat. Memang anak serasi sangat dengan Sterimar ni. Berkesan untuk kurangkan ketidakselesaan bila kena selsema. Memang highly recommended. Ibu bapa yang ada anak kecil wajib ada Sterimar ni kat rumah. ??

  9. CariDeeyHamad
    2 reviews

    Bersih dan Selesa Dengan Sterimar Nose Hygiene and Comfort Spray for Babies & Adults

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 7, 2021

    Saya telah diberi peluang untuk mencuba produk Sterimar Nose Hygiene and Comfort Spray.Apa yang boleh saya simpulkan,ianya sangat mudah digunakan dan menjadikan pernafasan lebih selesa daripada biasa.Bukan itu sahaja,ianya turut berfungsi membersihkan rongga hidung dengan efektif sekali.Pertama kali menggunakannya,saya agak tidak biasa.Setelah seminggu saya menggunakannya,impaknya jelas berbeza.

  10. Ikareen2152
    4 reviews

    Sterimar nasal hygiene and comfort

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 25, 2020

    Sterimar nasal hygiene and comfort put it’s expertise of the sea and natural resources at the service of nasal health. Thank you sterimar for always help to improve our breathing when have ‘resdung’ in the morning. Always leave a moisture for our nose. Thank you.

  11. Hanis Najwa Nashwa
    13 reviews

    Stuffy nose no more!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 24, 2020

    No more stuffy nose after using Sterimar Nose Hygience & Comfort Spray. It helps to clean my nose to remove impurities and moisturize my nasal airways. Loveee the shaped nozzle that can fit well in my nose. Not to mention, the bottle also can be used at any direction.

  12. Lizhen
    2 reviews

    Sterimar hygiene nasal spray

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 23, 2020

    Has been constantly affected by the discomfort of blocked nose due to allergies for many years and I have tried many product in the market which was said to be the savior of blocked nose and allergies but doesn’t seem to be effective for me. Just when I’m was about giving up on searching for product which might helps even a little, I come across sterimar hygiene nasal spray while browsing through Facebook so I decided to give it a try. After using sterimar hygiene nasal spray for three times a day for straight three days, I’m truly amazed by how effective it was and I strongly recommend anyone with similar problem to give it a try too! Now I’m happy to say that i don’t have to go through the discomfort due to blocked nose like a daily routine anymore and I can finally have a better quality sleep! Thank you sterimar hygiene nasal spray! You’re indeed the savior of my day!

  13. Wui Kathy
    17 reviews

    Recommended Daily Nostril Cleaning Spray

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 23, 2020

    Sterimar Nose Hygiene and Comfort Spray is always recommended by doctor for nostril cleaning especially when I had nose block and heavy flu. It works to clean up and eliminate impurities such dust, mucus and allergens. Everytime after clean up my nose, I do breathe better and feeling the air pathway clear up. The solution is 100% natural microdiffusion sea water that rich in trace elements and marine minerals are able to moistuze my nasal mucosa and prevent ENT disorders like cold, rhinitis, sinusitis and ear infections by reinfrocing the nasa; mucosa’s defences. Recommended to practise nasal cleansing daily for nose hygiene care and preventing influenza.

  14. Lui Chai Hoong
    67 reviews

    Sterimar Nose Hygiene and Comfort Spray

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 21, 2020

    Sterimar restaures the nose natural humidity and eases the blowing. Thanks to micro diffusion, Sterimar allows a soft nostrils washing.

    Thanks to Sterimar , you can blow your nose easily and get rid of mucosities without soring the nostrils.

    Sterimar is very gentle and fresh for using as daily hygiene routine. Highly recommended for all adults because contribute to improve breathing by promoting sleep and sleep quality.

  15. dianawahid_09
    5 reviews

    Sterimar Nasal Spray

    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 16, 2020

    I would like to recommend this nasal spray as daily hygiene routine. Easy to use and clean, very handy can carry anywhere inside our bag, doesn’t leave any sting sensation or pain prior using this. Helpful in relieving colds and good for those who is having sinusitis and rhinitis.

  16. princess_rania1660
    2 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on September 12, 2020

    Sterimar,a poineer in nasal hygiene product.The nasal cleansers are 100% sea water.Rich in trace elements and other marine minerals needed for cleansing purpose.Tonically gentle and fresher after washing.

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