SCS Original Sliced Cheese

Product Details

Nothing beats the taste of a slice of quality, healthy cheese! Add these slices to your sandwiches, crackers, soups or just pop it right into your mouth!

  1. Nasyiha Badela
    22 reviews

    Sarapan yang sihat

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 2, 2020

    Mulakan hari anda dengan sarapan pagi yang mudah dan cepat, hanya letakkan SCS Sliced Cheese bersama kepingan roti, daging ayam dan juga salad. Dengan kalsium yang tinggi Ia memberi anda tenaga sepanjang hari dan kekal aktif untuk bekerja.

  2. wwko17
    36 reviews

    Easy, nutritional & rich taste

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 31, 2020

    Breakfast can’t get get easier with SCS sliced cheese. It’s either you pop it into your choice of sliced bread or have it toast in between breads for a few minutes. The cheese smell and rich and most of all, it’s a nutritional start of the day. Later, I usually get a cup of coffee or something. PERFECTO

  3. Hye Liu
    15 reviews

    Add cheese slice is a MUST for making sandwich/burger

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 24, 2020

    Sandwich/burger is not a great taste if you don’t put cheese slice.

  4. glorylee195060
    20 reviews

    Yummy cheese

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 23, 2020

    It\’s yummy, full of calcium, nice to eat with sandwich , bread or just as it.
    I love it .

  5. tomorrow_esther
    103 reviews

    scs芝士片澳洲芝士风味 夹在面包更加分!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 22, 2020

    原味的SCS sliced cheese 芝士片,一包有10片,看着价格很合理,就打算用来试试做早餐。从包装就可以看出适合做一些三文治港式西多士。一试果然非常美味,搭配长棍面包+热狗+SCS芝士片,就是非常美式的热狗芝士面包,自己在办公室用微波炉只需3分钟就可以出炉!非常方便又简单。趁热吃更是觉得满嘴都是芝士香!

  6. Douglas Chang
    4 reviews

    Slices Of Yummy Goodness!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 22, 2020

    So tasty, so convenient – that’s SCS Sliced Cheese, the daily yummy treat on the go! Fortified with high calcium, this delicious snack has no added flavouring or preservatives – that’s great stuff indeed!

  7. Ariel
    312 reviews

    Yummy Sandwiches

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 21, 2020

    Whenever I am feeling peckish but not too hungry, a cheese sandwich is the quickest way to satisfy my hunger. SCS cheese slices are densely packed with flavour and goes well on top of butter, peanut butter or jam. Its savoury flavour blends well with these spreads and is enough to keep me full till the next meal.

  8. wanyee040959
    7 reviews

    Sliced Cheese that you Must Try.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 21, 2020

    Just a basic combination with bread and SCS sliced cheese is good for a nice morning. Recommended for parents who always thinking what to prepare for their children for breakfast.

  9. vanithaa
    14 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 20, 2020

    The best cheese slices to eat everyday

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