Reason of superiority
1. Developed through collaborative research with pediatricians
We have thoroughly researched babies sucking behaviors together with Dr. hayashi, MD, Japan Green medical Center London, collecting data through a variety of methods, including monitoring measurements at hospitals and home trials and visits.
2. Follows the three key factors of sucking behaviors
Peristaltic PLUS TM realizes natural sucking by following the three key factors of babies’ sucking during breastfeeding; 1. Attachment, 2. Peristaltic Tongue Movement, 3. Swallowing.
3. Highly accepted by hospitals and maternity clinics
Pigeon is the brand most often used at hospitals and maternity clinics in Japan. The Number of hospitals and maternity clinics which introduce Peristaltic PLUS TM is emerging. It is being increasingly used in hospitals overseas, as well.
Best choice for transition direct bf to bottle feed
The Best Choice for Breastfeeding mother
Botol susu terbaik
1.Ianya Sangat Stretchable kerana putingnya putingnya dicipta untuk disesuaikan dengan pergerakan lidah bayi semasa menyusu.
2.Ultra-Soft Silicone. Ianya hampir menyerupai puting ibu dan akan minimise nipple confusion.
3.Air Ventilation System. Susu hanya keluar semasa bayi menghisap. Ianya juga untuk memastikan bayi senang menyusu dan amat kurang peratusannya untuk bayi tersedak susu.
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