Novamil IT 

  • Fomulated milk for children 1-3 years old with tendency of constipation
  • Improves transit & easy motion
  • Pleasant natural milk taste
  • No sucrose added
  • Product of European Union
  • Halal
  • 3 glasses to complement your child’s daily meals

Key Nutrients of Novamil IT 

  1. Lactose,Magnesium, Calcium/Phosphorus ratio of 2,Whey 60: Casein 40       
  • Softens hard dry stool & improves bowel movements
  1. Plant-based Omega-3 and Omega-6
  • Essential fatty acids for brain and visual development
  1. Important vitmains and minerals
  • Vitamin C: Aids in iron absorption
  • Vitamin D: Aids in calcium absorption
  • Iron: a factor in red blood cell formation
  • Calcium and Phosphorus: Aids in bone development and repair tissue cells
  • Choline: Helps in overall brain development                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Learn more at:


(25 Reviews)

5 stars 20
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2 stars 0
1 stars 0

Susu yang menyihatkan dan selesa utk baby

Susu ini sesuai untuk perut Aisha kerana tidak mengalami sembelit.Dengan nutrien2 yg terkandung memberikan tumbesaran yang sihat.Anak suka rasanya.Disamping mengenyangkan ia juga menyihatkan badan anak.Loves it


I claimed from my both niece that have been approved this novamil are really good formula milk that help they grow up in the adventure kids world. I can see the speed catch up in learning something, good in thinking and keep asking question as we known that if the kids ask many things. So yeah this milk so recomended for every parent to try !

Suggest for all mother

Any mother who have infant should use this product, it have a lot of nutrition provided for their baby. This one different with any other milk brand. My wife use this milk for our first born child

Good for my Baby

First time my Baby tried in Novamil. The taste of Novamil is more natural and less sweet. Not so rich in fragrance added.
The milk is smooth and easy to serve. He like it very well, will keep on to let him consume Novamil.

It is better than I expected

It is better than I expected. I bought this product for my older sister's son. My nephew loves it so much as it tatse so good. It contains DHA and ARA.


Saya syorkan ibu- ibu Di luar Sana patut memberikan susu tanpa sukrosa ini kepada bayi anda dan melihat kebaikan susu ini kepada bayi anda. Susu amat digemari anak buah saya… ?.. Dan pastinya saya Akan membeli lagi..

Natural taste

Novamil IT for 1-3 years old just suitable for my 2 yo cutie pie. The taste is natural, not so rich in fragrance added.
The milk is smooth and easy to serve. He like it very well, will keep on to let him consume Novamil. Thanks for the opportunity to let us have a tried on this good product!

Soft stool

My boy have tried this Novamil IT and I found that his stool really become soften and more easy to “poo poo”.
Sometimes he will cried and said stomachache or bottom pain, it is because of the hard stool. After consume Novamil IT, it really helps in this issue.


Saya syorkan ibu- ibu Di luar Sana patut memberikan susu tanpa sukrosa ini kepada bayi anda dan melihat kebaikan susu ini kepada bayi anda. Susu amat digemari anak buah saya... ?.. Dan pastinya saya Akan membeli lagi..

1st review

It So nice and good

first tried in Novamil

This is the first time my toddler tried in Novamil. The taste of Novamil IT is more natural and less sweeten. My boy refuse to take this at the first time, so I try to mix with his current milk powder. After this , i tried to offer in routine time. Now, he started to accept Novamil IT.
Thanks 100comments for this opportunity to let my boy tried out new brand of milk powder.
By the way, I have survey the price from pharmacy, this is quite costly.

Susu Novamil IT

Anak saya yang berumur satu tahun telah mencuba susu ini.Ternyata susu ini sangat sesuai untuk anak-anak yang mengalami masalah sembelit dan mudah kembung perut..setelah mencuba susu ini anak saya sangat sukakan susu ini dan masalah sering sembelit dapat diatasi..


very like it ,smell good



Bagus untuk kesihatan

Susu harap dapat menaikkan berat anak saya dan untuk kesihatan anak saya juga Moga beratnya bertambah. Harap dapat sample susu ini untuk anak saya cuba. Harap dapat saya cuba susu ini.


Bagus untuk anak anak, anak akan aktif dan cergas.


Semenjak anak saudara saya menggunkan Novamil it ini, dia sudah pandai menggunakan sudu dengan betul. Sel-sel otak sedang berhubung. Susu ini merupakan susu yang sangat baik untuk kanak-kanak untuk membesar. Susu tepung ini dirumus Khas untuk Kanak-kanak seawal usia satu tahun.

Susu bergabung dengan sel sel otak

Dulu ibu saya selalu membeli susu ni untuk adik saya yang berusia 2 tahun kerana doktor selalu berpesan kepada ibu saye jangan ambil mudah dengan pelbagai susu doktor syorkan kepada ibu saya untuk membeli susu novamil kerana banyak kebaikan...wahai ibu ibu muda yang baru mendapat cahaya mata beringat lah sebelum terjadi..sekian kepada

Novamil IT the best susu tepung

Novamil IT the best susu telling untuk bayi tersayang kita. Novamil IT mempunyai nutrient yang berbagai dan semual ini diperlu oleh bayi.

Bagus Untuk Sistem Penghadaman Baby

Saya mencuba untuk bayi saya yang berusia 1 tahun dan sangat sesuai dengannya terutama sekali dari segi penghadaman .Tidak kembung dan rasanya boleh diterima oleh baby saya Aisha.Saya juga mengesyorkan pada kawan untuk mencuba susu formula ini setelah melihat keberkesanan terhadap baby saya.Tidak mengalami cirit birit dan saya pun senang hati.Saya syorkan ibu2 patut memberikan susu tanpa sukrosa ini kepada baby anda dan melihat kebaikan susu ini kepada baby anda.

Easy Transition

My baby just turns one in the past few weeks ago and we tried hard to look for a suitable formula milk for him that give him good foundation in immune system, consistent bowel movements, essential vitamins and minerals that suit his current stage of mental and physic development as well as not too sweet! We found Novamil IT is best suit to all of our requirements as stated above without any hard stool! Easy transition all the way without causing any issue.

It has a pleasant natural milk taste and baby will request a bottle-full of Novamil IT especially in the early morning and before going to bed. We are happy our baby finally find his favorite milk that he loved and would drink it regularly.

Susu Pelbagai Nutrisi

Anak saya berumur 3tahun minum setiap malam sebelum tidur. Masalah sembelit sudah tiada dan dia semakin aktif setiap hari di tadika bersama kawan-kawan. Saya sungguh gembira kerana anak amat suka minum susu ini yang mempunyai pelbagai nutrisi untuk kanak-kanak yang sedang membesar.

Tasty and my kid just love to drink it!

As claimed from my kid who is at her 2 years old, she said Novamil IT is tasty compared to the current milk powder brand and not sweet. The transition was fine and no causing any bad reaction (no hard stool) so far after 1 week drinking, she was on her second tin as the sample is coming in 400g (small tin) only. She loved it and always can drink all 10oz in one shot.

I have no worry over the nutrition as it consists of all necessary vitamins and minerals for my kid\'s growth development. Lactose, Magnesium, Plant-based Omega-3 and Omega-6, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Iron, Calcium and Phosphorus and Choline. The price is slightly higher than the current milk powder brand but i willing to pay for a higher quality product that works great on my kid\'s development.


与我一起生活的小孙子一直面对着便秘的问题,尝试了不同品牌的奶粉,但都是一直维持2-3天排便的症状。可怜的孩子每次都因这而哭惨了,这并不是我们乐意见到的情况。感谢100comments.com与Novamil派于他们的产品给我们尝试,不然我们从没察觉到有这个品牌和产品的存在。老实说这品牌没在我们经常去的超级市场或宝宝专卖店有销售,如果能早些发现它,那该多好呢!这奶粉很温和及接近人奶,宝宝连续喝了一星期之后,每天都能有规律地便便了。除此之外,我们也不必担心营养素方面的问题,因为Novamil IT 提供了均衡的营养素包含有必需脂肪酸及26种维生素和矿物质,让宝宝都能在精神和身体方面健康成长。很棒的奶粉产品,定会继续给宝宝饮用!

Novamil IT

谢谢100comments 给我机会让宝宝尝试新的奶粉的,我现在给她喝着Novalac DHA & ARA Infant Formula她很喜欢的她开始接受了,所以现在我也慢慢的把novamil和 Novalac 2个交换喝的,我才刚开始给了 2天目前宝宝喝了没有什么问题的她也接受这个新奶粉的。这个novamil的味道闻起来好像比novalac 没有那么重的香甜味的

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