Product Details

Tags: MilkNestle

Take control of your heart health with NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® Milk. The perfect daily companion for anyone who wants to adopt a healthier lifestyle for a healthy heart. Your heart is in your hands.

On top of being High in Calcium,  NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® Milk contains Acticol®, a blend of plant sterols scientifically proven to help reduce the cholesterol level by blocking cholesterol from entering the bloodstream. NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® Milk with Acticol® and Omega 3:6 helps reduce your cholesterol while providing your daily calcium need for healthy bones.

NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® Milk is very versatile since the powder dissolves in both warm and cold water. For a single serving, add 3 tablespoons (31g) into a glass of 200ml water. Drinking 2 glasses a day helps reduce your cholesterol level and manage your heart health. It can also be combined with cereals such as NESTLÉ NESTUM® or other beverages like MILO® or NESCAFÉ®.

Good lifestyle habits such as a balanced high fibre and low-fat diet combined with regular exercise are suggested alongside your 2 daily servings  of NESTLÉ OMEGA PLUS® Milk.

Once opened, store in a cool and dry place.

  1. tomorrow_esther
    103 reviews

    每天饮用 Nestle Omega Plus 牛奶,改善胆固醇!

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 30, 2022

    之前胆固醇比较高,所以想要从饮食方面着手改善,才开始每天饮用 Nestle Omega Plus 牛奶。因为是含ACTICOL的高钙奶,据说可有效阻止胆固醇进入血液,从而降低胆固醇。根据包装上的指示,每天两杯 NESTLÉ® OMEGA PLUS® 牛奶还可满足日常钙需求。味道就像是一般的牛奶,通常我会加3或4汤匙的燕麦片,感觉添加更多纤维,又有饱足感。

  2. BumbleBee34
    321 reviews

    Jaga paras kolestrol

    5 out of 5, reviewed on January 22, 2020

    Baru2 ni saya tukar susu lain. Sebelum2 nk memang minum omega plus ni. Tahap kolestrol darah cantik je. Bila saya tukar susu meningkat sungguh paras kolestrol tu. Sampai doktor bebel2. So, decide minum semula susu omega plus ni. Beli 2 pek terus. Utk penggunaan sebulan.

  3. Shika43
    687 reviews

    Mengawal kolestrol?

    5 out of 5, reviewed on July 13, 2019

    NESTLE OMEGA PLUS Milk Powder mampu mengawal kadar kolestrol dan juga dengan menjaga makan ia berkesan seimbangkan berat badan saya.. diformulasi dengan ingredients terbaik NESTLE OMEGA PLUS Milk Powder adalah susu special pada saya dapat kuatkan tulang dan bekalkan tenaga yang cukup jika breakfast dengan NESTLE OMEGA PLUS Milk Powder… Rasa susu yang tidak terlalu pekat ,sangat sedap dan tidak cepat muak… Sesuai dinikmati Pada bila² masa..

  4. CikSue38
    819 reviews

    Susu utk jaga kolestrol

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 25, 2019

    Susu omega plus ni sangat bagus untuk kawal tahap kolestrol dalam badan ni. Setiap kali minum 2 gelas sehari. Pagi dan malam. 3 sudu susu bancuh dengan air suam. Biasa saya beli online lebih murah berbanding beli di kedai fizikal. 1 pek 1kg saja atau ada masa dpt pek 1.1kg. Senang nk simpan. Tak risau susu beku atau berketul. Susu omega ni pun bau sedap. Rasa pun sedap. Tak meloyakan.

  5. BumbleBee34
    321 reviews

    Best milk for cholesterol

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 5, 2019

    Susu omega ni terbaik utk saya sekeluarga. Berjaya menurunkan paras kolestrol dalam darah kami. Kami amalkan minum setiap hari 2 kali. Pagi dan malam. Susu ni tidak berbau. Senang utk bancuh. Bancuh dengan air suam. Disarankan 3 sudu utk secawan air susu ni. Ramai yg memuji kami berjaya mengawal paras kolestrol kami sekeluarga.

  6. GKHong35
    76 reviews

    Healthy formula milk for a healthy heart.

    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 2, 2019

    Omega Plus Milk is good for heart and it can reduce cholesterol too. It provides high calcium and it is good for bones development. My mum is drinking this and the taste of the milk is nice and not too sweet. The price of the formula milk is affordable and can be easily get it from hypermarkets.

  7. CikSue38
    819 reviews

    2 bulan sekali renew stock

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 20, 2018

    Susu omega ni mmg bagus utk jaga paras kolestrol dlm badan. sejak mengamalkannya kami sekeluarga berjaya mengekalkan tahap kolestrol pada tahap yg memuaskan. setiap kali check up doktor kata paras kolestrol dibawah kawalan. sehari minum 2 gelas sekali pagi dan sekali malam. kalo ikutkan harga pasaran mmg agak mahal. pek 1kg boleh mencecah RM45. selalunya saya akan beli bila offer dan setiap 2 bulan mmg saya akan cari stok baru bagi menggantikan stok didapur yg semakin berkurang. saya akan beli 2kg siap2. baru2 ni beli 2 kali dapat towel drp nestle. seronok sangat.

  8. noerliza7240
    1 reviews

    Susu omega plus penyelamat jantungku..

    5 out of 5, reviewed on April 9, 2018

    Pengambilan susu omega plus sebanyak dua gelas sehari dapat merendahkan paras kolesterol terutama LDL kerana ia megandungi sterol tumbuhan yang baik untuk jantung…

  9. Azie Layla
    105 reviews

    Minuman wajib setiap hari

    5 out of 5, reviewed on February 4, 2018

    Susu Omega plus sangat baik untuk kesihatan jantung dan dapat membantu mengurangkan kolestrol dalam darah. Sesuai dijadikan minuman harian dan saya amalkan minum susu ini 2kali sehari. Jantung bertambah sihat dan kalsium yang terdapat dalam susu juga dapat membantu mencegah osteoporosis / membantu menguatkan tulang.

  10. CikSue38
    819 reviews

    Susu untuk jantung dan tulang anda

    5 out of 5, reviewed on November 19, 2017

    Kami mengamalkan minum.susu omega sekurang2nya dua kali sehari. 3sudu dibancuh dengan air suam. Susu tidak berbau dan tidak manis. Sangat berkesan mengurangkan kadar kolestrol dlm badan. Medical check up maintain ok selepas amalkan susu Lagi bagus jika neslte sediakan sudu sukatan yg disarankan. Memudahkan kerja. Walaupun agak mahal tetapi berbaloi. Jika pandai usaha boleh dpt harga dlm RM55 seperti saya utk 2pek 1kg setiap satu. Antara susu terbaik pernah saya jumpa. Pek 1kg mmg mudah utk.penyimpanan. Sekali buka utk penggunaan dlm sebulan dua. Tak dela susu berketul2 mengeras.

  11. Faiq Asya
    1 reviews

    Susu Omega Bagus

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 25, 2017

    Saya merupakan pengguna susu omega yg setia..bila habis mesti beli lagi..sebab ia baik dalam membantu mengekalkan kesihatan saya dan isteri terutamanya bahagian jantung..kerana blh mengawal paras kolestrol..di samping rasanya sedap dan manis-manis buah..tambahan saya merupakan perokok blh menjadikan supplement tambahan untuk saya di samping menambah kalsium yg telah bekurangan di dlm badan.

  12. Aikoaiko25
    1052 reviews


    4 out of 5, reviewed on October 20, 2017

    NESTLE OMEGA PLUS Milk Powder我妈妈和爸爸都有在喝,这个每天喝2杯有助于降低胆固醇水平,并管理您的心脏健康。所以妈妈和爸爸的固醇开始慢慢的降低了很多了而且价钱也不贵的

  13. CikSue38
    819 reviews

    Susu Omega utk Jantung

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 8, 2017

    Kami mengamalkan minum susu omega terutamanya sebelum waktu tidur. Susu bagus utk membantu tidur lena yg sempurna. Susu omega dgn acticol tumbuhan dapat mengurangkan potensi sakit jantung dan tinggi kolesterol disamping membekalkan kalsium.utk kekuatan tulang. Bancuhan adalah lebih efisien jika pihak pembekal menyediakan sudu sukatan dalam pek bagi memudahkan pengguna menyukat susu dengan kadar yg lebih tepat. Selalu sy beli pek 1kg dengan percuma 200g. Pek yg lebih jimat kerana susu ini antara yg mahal di pasaran. Bila ada promosi mmg akan beli lebih utk dibuat stok. Agak tidak berbaloi jika beli pek.kecil pd saya. Susu ini sedap dan tidak manis. Cara penyediaan yg sepatutnya juga tidak dinyatakan pada pek. Adalah lebih mudah jika terdapat serving suggestion. Yg paling sy kurang gemar susu ni agak payah nk larut. Kena kacau lama baru larut. Saya bancuh dengan air suam.

  14. Niki Tay
    996 reviews

    Good for health

    4 out of 5, reviewed on September 5, 2017

    My mother are drinking Omega Plus as it help to reduce her cholesterol and add the calcium ,this can Good for health

  15. maryam18
    309 reviews


    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 18, 2017

    Saya dan keluarga amat sukakan susu ini..Ia amat mudah untuk dibeli,ia terdapat di semua pasaraya mahupun kedai~kedai runcit..Ia juga amat berkhasit..Harga nya juga mampu milik..Sesuai diminum oleh semua orang..TERBAIK

  16. Xiao Long
    210 reviews

    Plant Cholesterol to reduce your Cholesterol

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 17, 2017

    What so special about NESTLE ACTICOL?
    It contains “plant’s cholesterol” or scientifically known as plant sterols (phytosterols)- which structurally similar to cholesterol. It have been reported scientifically where this “plant’s cholesterol” able to lower the cholesterol absorption in our intestine and thus reduce the risk of heart disease.
    NESTLÉ ACTICOL Milk can help reduce cholesterol levels by as much as 10% in 30 days? Truth or a myth.
    My mom was formerly tested having high level of Total Cholesterol (6.5mmol/L) and she started consume Nestle Acticol Milk plus with careful dietary meals. Follow-up after 3 months showed her Total Cholesterol level reduce to 5.8mmol/L and were controllable till now <5.2mmol/L.
    - It dissolves in both cold and hot water
    - Reduce cholesterol
    - Low in fat than ordinary full cream milk, up to 50%
    - High calcium but doesn’t really helps
    - Retailed price kind of pricey

    Anyhow, this can only be taken as a supplement to lower the risk of heart disease. Physical activity, balance eating habits are still the most important key factors to stay healthy and strong.

  17. Kellychan21
    503 reviews

    Good for health

    4 out of 5, reviewed on August 15, 2017

    I buy my parent this Omega Plus milk. They like to drink this brand much. My mom likes to add some milo into the milk. The milk is good for their health and it can help to reduce their cholesterol level. it is good for their heart too.

  18. shahril7956
    112 reviews

    Menjaga jantung & mengurangkan kolestrol

    5 out of 5, reviewed on August 10, 2017

    Ibu saya mengamalkannya untuk menjaga level kolestrol dalam badan.
    Manakala bapa mertua saya mengamalkannya sejak beliau mengidapi penyakit jantung beberapa belas tahun dahulu. Untuk menjaga kesihatan ke arah yang berkualiti, nampaknya ia menampakkan kesan positif apabila setiap kali medical checkup, keputusan yang diperoleh semakin baik.

  19. sandlee51
    174 reviews

    Calcium Supplement

    5 out of 5, reviewed on June 23, 2017

    My mother used to have weak bone problem. Ever since she start consuming this milk, her bone problem getting lesser and she feels so much energitize now. Her movement is gettting more smoother and this milk helps to reduce cholesterol level as well.

  20. kockhong80
    90 reviews

    Good for health

    4 out of 5, reviewed on June 22, 2017

    My parents are drinking Omega Plus as it can help to reduce their cholesterol level and it is good for their heart too. The taste of the milk is not sweet.

  21. May Mei12345
    104 reviews

    good product

    5 out of 5, reviewed on May 14, 2017

    Nestle Omega Plus might be a convenient way of getting my daily calcium requirements.

  22. kesumadewi
    110 reviews

    Susu untuk kesihatan jantung anda

    5 out of 5, reviewed on March 20, 2017

    Susu omega plus membantu kesihatan jantung dan mengurangkan kolestrol dalam darah saya.Saya minum setiap hari untuk memastikan kesan yang optimum.Ibu saya juga saya belikan susu ini sebagai minuman kesihatannya.

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