My Little Dreamer Pediatric Sleep Consulting

Product Details

As a pediatric sleep consultant, The Educator will educate you on how to teach your child the skills they need to sleep independently; and eventually sleep through the night. My approach to improving your child’s sleep is gentle and pretty simple:

  1. The Educator will give you honest information about WHY sleep is so important for your child’s well-being that will give you all the motivation you need to make changes to your child’s sleep habits.
  2. The Educator will lay out an easy-to-follow, step-by-step plan that lets you make some choices about what is the right approach for your child.
  3. The Educator will guide you through until we reach success.

Every parent, and every child, is different and you need to be completely comfortable with a sleep plan in order for it to work. That’s why this program places so much emphasis on accommodating different parenting styles.

The Sleep Sense™ Method was created out of a strong belief that healthy sleep habits make for healthy children. A well-rested child is curious, energetic, happy, playful and eager to learn.

Awards & Recognition: Certified Pediatric Sleep Sense Consultant


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