Morinaga BF-2

Product Details

BF-2 is a follow-up formula designed for infants from 6 months onwards and young children. BF-2 is formulated to supply essential nutrients that infants and children need.BF-2 is a follow-up formula designed for infants from 6 months onwards and young children. BF-2 is formulated to supply essential nutrients that infants and children need. If breast milk is not adopted due to medical reason, BF-2 can be used as a nutritional supplement to complement weaning diet and helps to prevent deficiency of nutrients during and even after the weaning period.

  1. shamieraosment64
    8 reviews

    My kids love it.

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 31, 2019

    Since I change his formula milk, his drink routine also change. He love the milk and keep asking for milk more than 4 times a day. And the milk is suitable to him since he did not have any constipation or any issue drinking it.

  2. zaizamree
    1 reviews

    Morinaga BF-2 sesuai untuk anak saya

    5 out of 5, reviewed on October 24, 2019

    Percubaa pertama menukar susu rumusan susulan buat anak saya yang berusia 1 tahun 5 bulan. Seminggu mencuba Morinaga BF-2, anak saya begitu menyukainya. Tiada lagi masalah sembelit. Najisnya pun berubah warna dan bentuk dari coklat gelap dan keras menjadi coklat biasa dan lembut. Susu Morinaga BF-2 ini halus dan ringan, tiada terlalu banyak lemak berlebihan yang lekat pada botol dan senang untuk mencuci selepas anak minum susu. Anak saya amat menyukai susu rumusan susulan Morinaga BF-2 ini.

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