Kinohimitsu Wellness Smooth’D Cleanse & Shape is a simple all-in-one delicious natural treat with plant extracts, prebiotic and fruits to gently cleanse the body of toxic obstructions from modern lifestyle, food and environmental pollution. When toxins are removed, your body will function better than ever before – leaving you feeling light and healthy!
  • Product Details

    Cleanse & Shape boosts metabolism and fat burning to provide an energy lift throughout the day.
    • Flatter tummy
    • Clearer & smoother skin
    • Improve energy levels
    • Boost metabolism
    • Natural weight loss
    • Improve digestive health
    • Boost immunity
    • Reduce cravings
    • Improve whole body well-being


(3 Reviews)

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Really cleanse internal and make externally shape

Im a great fan of Kinohimitsu products. I take many typer of wellness smooth for cleanse and shape and cleanse and beauty !! This product contain beneficial natural ingredients detox my body and also remove excess fats from my body. My tummy got flatter and I lose a few kilos after taking this... kino cleanse amd beauty contain antioxidant fruits give a beautiful skin when consume everyday. I just love it as its cheaper and give good result to skin amd body .

Membuang toksin dari badan

Rasanya sedap. Rasa masam manis membuatkan rasa sedap ketika diminum.
Lepas minum badan akan jadi ringan dan selesa kerana sistem pembuangan menjadi lebih lancar.

Atasi masalah sembelit

Cara Detox yang berkesan. Dengan rasa markisah, masam manis yang sedap, hanya 1 sachet sehari, mampu membersihkan usus dan merawat sembelit.

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