Does your soul feel like you need to step out of your old skin to reveal a fresh new you? This bar of soap, Kindersoaps Spiced Coffee Soap is laden with ground coffee beans for a light scrub in the shower. The combination of ginger, lemongrass and lime essential oils serve not only to lift your spirits out of the doldrums or sluggishness, but also to impart warmth to tired muscles and calm redness on the skin.
These three scents are common in asian households, we use them a lot in our cooking because of the wonderful flavours they impart, and also for the many therapeutic, tonifying effects they have for our digestive and immune systems. Fresh yoghurt also was added to the blend to help soften and nourish skin further.
Usage instructions:
It might be a little harsh to scrub your face with this, and you certainly wouldn’t like having stray coffee grounds lurking in your luscious locks! So use it on your body instead. Ginger’s scent comes through the strongest, but as you continue lathering up in the shower you’ll find the lemongrass and lime gradually making their appearances. Rich and creamy when used directly on hair or bath puff/sponge. Lathers up quite nicely in the palm of your hand too.
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