KEWPIE SANDWICH SPREAD CHEESY CHEESE adds a cheese flavour to our tasty sandwich spread. It can be used in sandwiches, eaten with bread, as a dipping
sauce, and can even be used in baking.

Main ingredients:

Soy bean oil, vinegar, egg, cheese powder, pickled
vegetables (cucumber, carrot, and onion).


(2 Reviews)

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凡是有cheese 的食物我都会去买来尝试的,这个Kewpie Sandwich Spread Cheesy Cheese当然是不会放过的,cheese 的味道很浓郁的不过还是输给kfc的Cheesy Cheese的。

Sandwich Spread Cheesy Cheese

我超开心给我找到这个Sandwich Spread Cheesy Cheese的我立刻买了回家吃,我喜欢陪炸鸡,nugget,potato chips 来吃,那个cheese 味超好吃的,我都想整支拿来吃的

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