Bayers Kiltix Tick Collar for Small & Medium Dog
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Description: Description Control of the brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) and Ixodes ricinus as well as fleas (Ctenocephalides canis/felis) in dogs. For dogs weighing up to 19 Kg in body weight Controls growth and spread of flea and ticks Effective upto…
Buddy Ear Cleaner
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Description: If your dog’s inner ears appear dirty, clean them with a cotton ball dampened with mineral oil, hydrogen peroxide or a solution formulated specifically for this purpose. Inner-ear skin is delicate, so allow your vet to demonstrate the proper method for cleaning your dog’s ears.
Johnson’s Tea Tree Skin Calm Spray
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Description: Description Johnson’s Tea Tree Skin Calm has been specially developed to soothe and calm skin irritations. The gentle formula consisting of Aloe Vera, Tea Tree and Lavender Oil provides relief as well as antibacterial protection, promoting the natural healing process.…
Petdiatric Oxygen Therapy Herbax for Dog
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Description: Descriptions A refined new Herbal shampoo for dogs, that consist of 8 types of herbal essences and Mother-of-Thymes for fur shedding control.Enriched with Yarrow and Rosemary extract for Anti-redness, wound healing and insect repellent properties.
Canaan Anistrike Flea & Tick Spray
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Description: Description The new ANISTRIKE uses IGRs (Insect Growth Regulators) to stop larvas from developing into reproducing adults. By breaking its lifecycle. ANISTRIKE wipes out the entire population effectively. ANISTRIKE is totally safe for you and your pet. Kills adult ticks…
Petdiatric Cluve Ear Cleaner
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Description: Description CLUVE? System is PETdiatric Laboratories using its most advance knowledge system in developing a skin care solution that breakthrough conventional technology in the industry. In this system, you may find specialized system catering to skin irritations needs, grooming needs,…
Digyton Drops
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Description: Description Stimulates the secretion of proteolytic, amylolytic and lipolytic enzymes. Helps catalyse the digestion of food.Acts as a carminative, cures the problem of recurrent flatulence, colic and distension of the abdomen. Tones the digestive glands and organs. Improves the digestive…
Advantix for Medium Dog
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Description: Description For dogs between 4 – 10kg Kills fleas on dogs within 12 hours after initial application Kills fleas before they lay eggs Kills reinfesting fleas within 2 hours Prevents fleas on a treated dog from infesting the home Prevents…
Bayers Kiltix Tick Collar for Large Dog
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Description: escription Control of the brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) and Ixodes ricinus as well as fleas (Ctenocephalides canis/felis) in dogs. For dogs weighing above 19 Kg in body weight Controls growth and spread of flea and ticks Effective upto 7…
Petidouuu Saloge Tear Stain Remover
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Description: Descriptions Wipe them off: Mix a solution of ten-percent hydrogen peroxide with water or a special stain-removal product for dogs. Gently swab the solution over the tear stain, being very careful not to get any of the solution in your dog’s eyes. Then rinse the fur with clean…