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Recent review: This sunscreen gel have a fresh lemon smell and quick absorbed by my skin. However, it caused my skin become too much greasy and look a little bit dark. So i need to find other sunscreen that suit my skin…
Hyunieda71Recent review: 是一款可以涂了就直接出门的防晒 遮瑕+润色 又遮毛孔 防晒力也ok 挺好用的 唯一要注意的是需要卸得比较干净 不然感觉会阻塞毛孔 价钱也有点小贵 (RM100+
WajiRecent review: This is my first ever sun block. Have been using it abt a year and really cost saving as per tube last for about 3-4months. Would highly recommend this product. This sun block not oily and just nice texture and…
fatinnabila5332Recent review: It is the best gel cream I ever had after using It my face has less oil and always in a very smooth condition I will always buy and thanks for the product
Ohang96Recent review: Good product! Really makes the skin feel very soft as baby.
Aishah2856Recent review: The texture is non-sticky and not thick. It absorbs easily into my skin and makes my pores look smooth. My skin feels so moist, too! Best of all, it smells amazing thanks to the infusion of glorious essential oils.
ArielRecent review: Antara sunblock kegemaran sy . Tekstur yg sgt ringan dan tak brminyak buat sy selesa pkai sunblock ni setiap hari . Sifatnya yg tak mnyumbat pori mmberi kelebihan pada jenama ni berbanding jenama lain.
Ainnur2551Recent review: Using this before applying makeup keeps my skin radiant and glowing from within all day long. When I use it during morning routine, it thoroughly moisturizes my skin while providing brightening benefits.
Chua JasmineRecent review: 这个牌子的防晒都是不错的。出个门简单的用这个喷一下就好而且还冰凉冰凉的很舒服,也不会有黏腻感是非常干爽的,价格也是介于平民价之间 非常好!
Chengg06Recent review: Saya sangat suka sunblock jenama atomy,sebelum ni muka saya sangat teruk,gelap..selepas saya guna kulit saya senang diserap oleh sunblock ni dan muka saya makin cerah dan warna pink-pink..