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Recent review: I love using this mask especially after working long hours in office. When you sit in Aircond room for such a long period your skin tend to get dry easily. Use this mask for 30 minutes then you will see…
Yukee93Recent review: 我很喜欢这个面膜。比起其他牌子的面膜,它更薄,更多精华液,敷的时间虽短(八分钟)却更快、易吸收!重点是敷后整张脸就感觉非常水嫩。大推!!!
xinyu99123096Recent review: at first my skin is burn. but after used it for months, my skin becomes more better.
ilah2115Recent review: Is a peel off mask. But a bit dry to me and hard to remove it. It do helps to removes the blackheads and leave my face clean
Betty LiewRecent review: 这款是可以天天敷的面膜。而且价格很亲民。每次脸上冒痘痘的时候 我都会用它! 敷大概15分钟后,第二天早上可以看到脸部变得光泽 也很柔滑!
Liau XindyRecent review: I used this for two weeks already and I found it very smooth and my skin are more hydrated.I had an oily skin but after using,it washes my oil away.
Enoch PonRecent review: Saya suka gunakannya. Saiznya amat sempurna dengan bentuk wajah saya. Nipis namun senang diregangkan. Baunya lembut. Selepas menanggalkan, ia memberi kesan cantik tanpa berkilat dan saya amat sukakannya.
Nik Zulaikha ShahRecent review: I like the fact that it cleanses impurities from my skin after the deep cleanse but yet soothes my skin. Perhaps it's the Manuka honey ingredients. When i have pimples I will use it as mask. Works good with its…
Jessie KooRecent review: After using this cool lemon clay mask, my skin felt fresh and it reduced excessive oil especially on the T zone and cheeks area. I really loves this wash off clay mask since the texture is good on skin, without…
Ami05Recent review: 每一次都会趁着打折买几盒,这款蒸汽眼罩特别好,热的很快,40°温度适中,用完眼睛很舒服。平时一整天看电脑玩手机,现在每天临睡前都要贴一贴,给眼睛做一个SPA,很舒服,我也很爱呢。不过价格比起其他品牌会稍微有点贵。 我比较喜欢薰衣草香、洋甘菊……香味不会太浓,有着一股淡淡的清香,闻着特别舒服,使用特别方便携带,打开戴上一会儿双眼就有热乎乎的感觉,温热感持续20分钟左右,双眼得到很好放松,特别舒服,希望能缓解双眼的疲劳和黑眼圈,一直回购!强推!!!