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Recent review: According to my wife. This would be a brand of her favourite. She said it's absopbtion is superb and no leakage importantly. One of the plus point is that it's more affordable compared to other branded one. At least it…
Chinthat94Recent review: Suka menggunakannya. Sangat wangi. Tak perlu memakai minyak wangi lagi. Kesannya juga amat tahan lama. Tidak perlu risau kawasan bawah lengan berpeluh lagi walaupun untuk melakukan aktiviti lasak. Tiada lagi bau busuk.
Nik ZulaikhaRecent review: Mula2 nak tukar product, takut tak sesuai sebab ada sesetengah pad yang cepat bocor/nipis dan menyebabkan kegatalan bila pakai. Tapi Intimate sangat selesa. Setakat ni pun tak pernah lagi bocor even kalau duduk kat site, ke sana ke mari, panjat2…
Nuryana43Recent review: I always choose this brand for my family, my family use this Tena already more than 3 years , and still will continue use this Tena brand, but hope this Tena brand can do more discounts, because people who use…
KhaiXuan12Recent review: I always want to find a good sanitary pad which is thin and able to abosorb fast enough , due to I’m a heavy user when I am on period. This is a very nice product at a very fair…
Li PingRecent review: Wet tissue always been there in my handbag. I bring them along everywhere because I can use them to remove my make up when I want to go pray when I am outside. I use pink Watsons Wet Tissue that…
BumbleBee34Recent review: This product is suitable for an active person because it does not easily leak out. This product also thin that it will not cause unfavourable feeling when using it. Thus, I often used this brand and I truly recommend it…
Bee29Recent review: 这样东西可是可以让某些女性担忧也让某些女性欢乐~方便又好用~而且测试还很准 使用方法只是 1.在吸湿塞上小便 2.在1分钟后读取结果~
Sunwaywei50Recent review: Sangat mudah dan senang dipakai..
Bibiana56Recent review: Setiap hari saya menggunakan panty linear bio – seleza feminine. Sangat selesa digunakan. Kerana fungsinya yang anti kanser menyebabkan saya berminat untuk menggunakannya. Walaupun harga yang mahal dari jenama lain. Saya suka dengan fungsinya.
Noor Atiqah